View Full Version : Need help:(

07-07-13, 19:35
I went for a drink last nite at a club and left after having the one but i think i was spiked,been in a really bad way all day,sweating,dizziness,shortness of breath!i wud normally jus ave one drink and be fine!thing is im on lexapro and they have been a great help but im terrified to take it now incase i was spiked!?any advice?

07-07-13, 19:38
Get medical advice, this would count as an emergency. Not because anything bad is going to happen, but because you don't know what you might have taken.

07-07-13, 19:52
Thanks for the reply speranza,i dont feel too bad now im jus getting myself really worked up that if i take my lexapro something bad will happen to me:(i really don wna have to go to the hospital,they are a very bad trigger for my panic attacks

07-07-13, 19:53
Can you ring someone then? Out of hours doctor? I can't tell you it is or isn't safe I'm afraid!

07-07-13, 22:35
Personally unless you've got medical advice tonight , I'd leave off tonights dose and carry on with them as normal tomorrow - I doubt it'll do you any harm at all to take it - equally it won't do you any harm to miss one dose and if you were spiked you don't know what it was spiked with and giving your system a chance to recover is a bonus.

Hope you've drunk plenty of water today to flush whatever it was out - if you still feel rotten tomorrow its a phone call to your GP .