View Full Version : Hi everyone, you have prob heard this 100x time but please read

07-07-13, 20:40
Hi, im 25 yr old, live with my gf, ive been drinking about 3-4 years, i drink 8 cans of beer every night, i didnt think this was a problem....but i know it is... i smoke cigs too.........i know i should quit drinking, but the need for those 8 cans every night is somewhat "needed" i used to go to the gym etc, ive noticed my belly has inflated (bloated) prob because of my drinking habbits, also, my relationship on the line, with me not having work for last 7 month my GF has been paying for my beer + tabs every night so its like £8 for 8beers £3.65 for tabs...x7 every week, i feel so bad about her paying for this and i even know im doing wrong, i want to get back into the gym, i dont even like going out anymore, i like to stay in with some beers at night time, and i know its wrong, i want to be drink free.... i went 2 days without drink and i felt great in mornings, but went back to drink.......i want to quit smoking also, should i quit both at same time? i just want to live a nice life...when i had those 2 days without drink i felt so much better, but when i have drink im happy i have got it, untill i start drinking....can anyone suggest something?

07-07-13, 20:53
Hi fanta,
good to see you. Honestly? I think if you are at the point where you want to tackle these health issues, a good place to start would be the doctor. There will be some support available. I've never smoked but I would imagine from knowing people who do, giving cigarettes up is a big enough job on its own. Which habit is costing more, and which do you think is currently having the biggerst impact on your health?

07-07-13, 20:59
alcohol is biggest problem i know, its put a hold on my social life,, i wake up thinking about ......im getting my beer at night time, also, im not a big smoker, if i quit alcohol i probly wouldnt smoke, i just need to quit both addictions, and i want to start tomorrow

07-07-13, 21:18
Well then if you really feel ready, then I think I'd ask the doctor for a bit of help. Well done for getting this far, it takes real guts.

07-07-13, 21:21
i went to doctors a while ago, they said keep drinking untill i got the appointment, i jujst wana stop now, is there any advice anyone could give me? im going to docs in morning telling them i quit drinking from now, to them would be last night