View Full Version : really scared panic/brain tumour

07-07-13, 20:55
Hi was just after some advice for quite a while I have been getting eye symptoms. And at the moment they are really bad I have very tired eyes sometimes burning eyes blurred vision sometimes sensitive to light and I thought it was maybe eye strain but I sometimes get a bit lightheaded my head and eyes feel very fatigued I feel foggy/muzzy headed and a bit forgetful I amso scared I have a brain tumour, I am on ferrous fumarate for low iron and I have been very panicky lately and I had a really bad panic attack last night because of symptoms please if anyone has any advice it would be very helpful thanks toria x

07-07-13, 21:04
I have been having similar symptoms but have got the brain tumour idea out my head!.. as I have spoken to people who have/had brain tumours they had extreme pain where they was on the floor holding there head with pain and seizures! have u been to the docs and told them been checked over?.. xx

07-07-13, 22:53
I have been having exact same symptoms I went to the opticians and needed a stonger lens and the eye pain was eye strain, since having the new glasses with stronger lens my eye still feels the same and still blurred vision maybe my eye is getting used to them. Go to your opticains you may need glasses, they put my mind at rest knowing that I don't have a brain tumour as having an eye test they look to the back of your eyes

08-07-13, 12:22
If you suffer with anaemia, then that is the most likely cause.