View Full Version : I haven't seen my kids in three years and its killing me

07-07-13, 21:23
Hey all,
I just wanted to tell my story and maybe get some advice about how to move on.... after me and my huband broke up I met someone else quite quickly who 'sold me the fairytale'..he promised me the world and seemed to be solvent. Anyway without going on forever, he turned out to be a pathological liar and a con artist who bled me dry finacially, including money that my teenage sons had in a savings account which amounted to £16k in itself. He promised he would pay the money back; but never did. I chased him for two years for that money.

My boys blame me completely for letting this guy get hold of this money, but he was a clever liar and always had an answer. It was always going to be 'next week'. Anyway I could go on and on, I was taken in by a con man and have not seen my boys who are 17 and 19 in three years. They have simply cut off all contact, the only thing I can do is write to them because I know their address. This has caused severe GAD and depression, I have been sectioned and spent time on a psych ward.

Will my children ever forgive me for the stupid mistake I made? I'm scared that I have lost them forever.

07-07-13, 22:35
Hi Andrea welcome to NMP I hope you find this site as helpful as I have. Your story is similar to mine except that I have not been conned out of money, I too thought after my divorce I had met the man of my dreams, we met in April and he charmed me in a whirl wind romance and foolishly I married him in the august almost from the day we married the lies he had told me began to unravel, we have been together four years now and it has been three years of hell until I finally have had a break down in may. The story is to long to go into but I believe mental abuse is as bad and damaging as physical abuse. Because I am weak we are still together, one day I will gather strength. I hope I and others on the site will be able to help you :hugs:

25-12-13, 21:40
Hey all,
I just wanted to tell my story and maybe get some advice about how to move on.... after me and my huband broke up I met someone else quite quickly who 'sold me the fairytale'..he promised me the world and seemed to be solvent. Anyway without going on forever, he turned out to be a pathological liar and a con artist who bled me dry finacially, including money that my teenage sons had in a savings account which amounted to £16k in itself. He promised he would pay the money back; but never did. I chased him for two years for that money.

My boys blame me completely for letting this guy get hold of this money, but he was a clever liar and always had an answer. It was always going to be 'next week'. Anyway I could go on and on, I was taken in by a con man and have not seen my boys who are 17 and 19 in three years. They have simply cut off all contact, the only thing I can do is write to them because I know their address. This has caused severe GAD and depression, I have been sectioned and spent time on a psych ward.

Will my children ever forgive me for the stupid mistake I made? I'm scared that I have lost them forever.

Andrea, i have to say that story sounds really sad.

There is good news, they WILL forgive you - life has it's way of letting forgiveness happen after TIME. sometimes a long time but i truly believe it happens.

12 years ago my parents divorced and without going into the details it was my dads fault. today i can say i forgive him but what he did was terrible. time is a great healer and im sure your boys will understand one day. Given that they are adults im sure it won't be too long.