View Full Version : Fellow PC gamers on this site

07-07-13, 22:59
Since i am a PC gamer i am curious to know if anyone else on this site is one.

Not expecting that many mind you, since PC gamers are quite uncommon these days.

07-07-13, 23:03
Sorry ps3 gamer here

07-07-13, 23:46
I am a pc gamer :) althouh I dont get much time anymore!

Much prefer games on the pc than console.

What games do you play?

08-07-13, 17:23
I am a pc gamer :) althouh I dont get much time anymore!

Much prefer games on the pc than console.

What games do you play?

Mainly single player games, such as Duke3D and Deus Ex (2000)...been waiting for something new though to satisfy me...

09-07-13, 13:14
I'm a pc gamer, play games that have a challenge, make you think of how to get to the next room or to work out a puzzle. got to be very challenging. so far games today are way too easy to do, that I complete them in 1 hour. still waiting on a challenging game.

09-07-13, 17:25
I only play simulation games on my PC. I'm not great at shoot-em-ups or first person games.

09-07-13, 17:58
I'm a PC gamer now and then.

Play mainly Counter Strike, Day of Defeat, BattleField 3 and Worm 2 although not very often.

Most games I play now are flash games on sites like Kongregate and games on my android phone.

I also downloaded alot of different emulators and games from mega drive, NES, SNES, gameboy, PS1 etc for my phone which is great. Being 30 next year, those games bring me nicely back to my childhood.

I have very little interest in new computer games. The only new games in the past 5 or so years that have caught my attention were Fallout 3 and Skyrim.

Very rarely play games though.

09-07-13, 18:15
I'm a pc gamer, play games that have a challenge, make you think of how to get to the next room or to work out a puzzle. got to be very challenging. so far games today are way too easy to do, that I complete them in 1 hour. still waiting on a challenging game.

Deus Ex (the original) may be up your street, its long, rewards stealthy play, deep story and the combat is rather challenging despite the AI being rather thick. Oh and its non-linear and no arrows pointing you in the right direction.

09-07-13, 18:46
Deus Ex (the original) may be up your street, its long, rewards stealthy play, deep story and the combat is rather challenging despite the AI being rather thick. Oh and its non-linear and no arrows pointing you in the right direction.


Thank you for your advice on game Deus Ex, I will have a look at it. sounds good. thanks.

10-07-13, 22:59
I have played those dreaded MMORPG's on the PC and got hooked on them, tried quite a few, some barely, some played for years, WoW, AoC, Tera, Rift, RoM, Warhammer Online, Aion, LoTR:O, Allods Online, Anarchy Online, some of those I played for less than an hr or less than a week though. Most recently I was playing Tera again after it went f2p, it was actually very good but I was annoyed at how much time it was taking up, sometimes 2 nexus a day, soloing sirjuka, 20 daily quests + handins after nexus with boosts, levelling a 2nd character I wasn't getting much time to play main or to do anything else in real life.

I actually have quite a few games from humble bundles but haven't installed steam yet!

I used to have steam account to play CS 1.5 and 1.6 but forgotten what it was. I haven't really played games much (other than mmorpgs) in recent years, got loads of xbox and ps3 games unplayed, keep buying them cheap. I used to play games back in the day, Doom, Duke3D, C&C, C&C RA, Quake, Dungeon Keeper, Theme Hospital/Park and other lesser known ones in and around the start of the 3D era. Used to like playing instagib UT too

Got quite a lot of android games now from various sales too.

Still Breathing
18-07-13, 11:34
I've been very into games (first board and card) then video games all my life. In fact it has to have been THE biggest expenditure throughout my life. I've owned many consoles, and played on PC's, but in recent years (not sure if it's due to meds, or my age?:unsure:) I pretty much lost interest in all of them. The only game/sim I've been playing regularly over the last few years is Links 2003 (an old golf sim). I have always loved golf (used to play a lot when I was young) and there is still a community online for this, as it has never been surpassed as a golf sim in the last 10 years. I play it online, a few nights a week, with my brother and my mate, while we chat on Skype. I also create courses for it, which is my other main hobby (it takes months to create one), and I have found this a great way to keep myself occupied, and focused on something external, rather than on myself. Recently though, I'm having big problems with concentration and tiredness, as well as memory issues, so the course designing has stopped over the last few months.
Since I stopped my meds recently though, my interest in games (and music) has returned, and I'm playing again. Euro Truck Simulator 2 is great - just driving around Europe, hauling freight, and listening to the radio - it's now my current favourite (apart from Links 2003, of course! :)) I've also just started Mafia 2, which seems good. It's mostly sports, simulations, RPG's, and driving games that appeal to me. I'm not short of things to play though, if the motivation comes back, as my flat is full of game disks, and I still have my N64, Gamecube, X-box 360, and Wii too, as well as my PC, and even a few games I bought years ago that are still sealed in their boxes!!!! I occasionally used to buy 2 or 3 games at a time, and then just play one of them..... I think I had a bit of a problem!! (what's new!!) :whistles::roflmao:

19-07-13, 13:19
I used to have a major RuneScape addiction. lol Finally weaned off that...

Mostly play PS3 now. Borderlands 2 is my most fave game, EVER! :D We also have the Humble Bundle - Machinarium was brilliant, but finished way too soon.

Haven't played any games for a few weeks now. :huh: Must play the latest Bioshock or something. Will see...