View Full Version : Help me please!!desperate

07-07-13, 23:52
Been suffering with panic attacks for jus under a year but rite now im havin the worst one iv ever had!im very dizzy,off balance,tight chest and horrible feeling of impening doom,im also sweatin like iv jus ran a marathan.feelin very tired nd run dwn,i fear goin asleep also incase something was to happen to me in my sleep,can anybody help????i also still have in the back o my mind dat its not a panic attack and somethin more serious cos the feeling is so strong

08-07-13, 00:41
Its just a panic attack, nothing else. Do you have any medication you can take? You could do some exercise to get rid of the adrenaline, then try and focus on something, you could read a book - try reading the words out aloud so you are focused on reading and talking and you hear the words too. Try distracting yourself too, you can try counting backwards from 100 in 3's, so you are thinking about numbers and calculating them. It doesn't matter if you aren't 100% correct.

They do eventually go, don't worry!

08-07-13, 00:56
Hi ally,
How are you now, has the panic passed try some breathing
there's lots of advice on here that will help you get through the
panic or go on youtube and type in breathing to help with panic
sending you big:hugs:it will pass and you will be ok

08-07-13, 10:46
Hi, you have to ride the wave and let it come and go. It's like a phase in my opinion.
I know they are bloody hurrendous and if someone's not been through someone like this they could never believe how bad this is.
It's soul destroying and debilitating. Go with it, with the thought - this will pass and try a new hobby, force your brain to think about other things not just on your self.
Take manuka honey and magnesium. Try tapping exercises and small walks. Then with time you can goon longer walks and your confidence will increase. Right now take baby steps and occupy your mind with something else.
