View Full Version : Feel really poorly pls help!

10-10-06, 12:06

I dont know what is happening to me i feel really bad, i started taking citalopram on thursday, just 5mg then gradually increased it, and took my first 10mg yesterday, and i also started with a bad cold on friday, which hasnt got any better and today is at its worst.

Last night i had a terrible panic attack, it was a weird one, i havent had one like this before, feel so weird in my head, like i was drugged, and seriously felt like i was going to die, this morning it is the same, i am convinced that i am dying, i feel so strange, like really depressed, and out of it, dizzy, scared of dying, feel like its just round the corner.

Feel so weak and shaky , as if im not on this planet, dont know how i am coping, i am so frightened!!

As anyone felt like this, i feel so alone

Claire xx

10-10-06, 12:22
hi clarabell

poor you i know that feeling very well .

if you have cold do you have a temp as this can make you feel shakey and wierd i think panic gets worse when you have cold i know it dose it to me ,have you taken somthing ?for your cold.
try to relax im sure you will be fine panic can make us think we are dying and that we have somthing realy bad wrong with us .
just think how many times you have felt like this and it has passed without anything bad happening !
take care jodie xx

10-10-06, 12:26
aww hunni, ur certainly NOT alone!!

i think that maybe the increase in your medication has caused you to be a bit off balance--when i first started Zoloft, i felt like i was going crazy. i'd fall asleep on the couch, then go upstairs and fall asleep, then get up and turn the light on and off repeatedly (no idea why), and i was soooo nauseated and out of it that i didnt know what was going on around me.

Its perfectly normal for this to happen, so i wouldnt worry. if it goes on for more than a week, check with ur doctor to make sure the dose isnt too high. funny thing is, anxiety is usually a side effect of anti-anxiety pills lol!! ironic, isnt it?! but itll pass, hun, and things will get better ;)


10-10-06, 12:46
Must be the new medication maknig you feel so strange.

I had a problem with Seroquel- made me really drowsy and felt like I was living in a daze- stopped taking it after a week.

I recommend speaking to your doc asap- it may be a recognised side effect of the drugs.

Hope you're feeling better now. Lucy:)

10-10-06, 14:48
Hi claire,Im on citalopram and felt the same.Im on 20 mg.The first two weeks were hell for me but I put up with it,after the second week all the side affects settled down.They do settle,but if you are concerned ask your gp for peace of mind.The body has to get used to the medication.
Take care pet.:)

Ellen XX

10-10-06, 14:54
upping your dose will make you feel wierd for a while like ellen says
it takes a couple of weeks for your body to adjust and having a cold at the same time will make you feel rough
it should ease up once your colds gone but if you are worried then go back to your gp


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

10-10-06, 15:54

That dose is way too much too soon. You should have been on 5mg for at least a month until it was increased.

I tried Citalopram once and only stuck with it for a week cos I felt absolutely awful so gave it up!

It will get better in a few weeks but it depends if you can tolerate the side-effects in the meantime. I know I couldn't!


10-10-06, 16:01
Hi Everyone

Thank you all for your replys, still feel bad but hey im still here, suffered with this crap for 4 years now, and i have been on citalopram once before, cant really remeber the side effects but know they were bad.

Gonna try to stick the meds out as i dont know whats worse coping on my own or suffering a few weeks of side effects, just wanna be me again!!!

Thanks a lot again for replying


10-10-06, 17:17
Oh bad luck in getting a cold at the same time - it will be giving your body a really hard time. Be kind to yourself until the meds kick in. Hope you perk up soon X

10-10-06, 18:56
hi clarabell just wanted to say sorry your feeling bad and hope you feel better soon .Iam on citalopram and i dont really have any side affects they seem to work ok for me .The symptons you describe i have been like that and would put that down to anxiety and panic not the meds as i felt like that when i didnt have meds. I hope this helps a bit tc Tracy