View Full Version : swollen ankles- causes?

08-07-13, 13:19
Hi. I recently posted a thread about me having swollen fingers. (Which I still have).

And now I have a swollen ankle. Im not too sure if they both are but one is definately swollen. Maybe the other is but not as bad but against the other one doesnt look as bad. If that makes sense?
What are common causes for this?
Its not that hot today where I live and I havent been on any journeys or been standing alot.

I am so worried about heart failure or blot clot :(

Just looking for some 'reasonable' explenations that could reasure me.
Doctors on thursday so will mention it then but in the meantime need some help.

Thanks :)

08-07-13, 13:35
there are several causes, and a lack of other symptoms makes this quite difficult to suggest a likely cause. The only real way is to be examined by your doctor.

08-07-13, 15:39
Hi joelhall :)

Yeah I will be asking doctor on thursday. Thankyou for your reply.

Do you know of medication ( citalopram and bisoprolol) could cause this?


08-07-13, 23:26
Does anyone have this right now or know any causes that arent mentioned?

09-07-13, 00:02
SSRIs can occasionally cause fluid retention, so that might be the cause. Beta-blockers would have the potential I think (might be wrong) to cause that kind of swelling too, but they'd have to have slowed your heart rate too much and you'd probably be very faint. Or it could be completely unrelated, but try not to worry either way. You're seeing your doc soon.

09-07-13, 00:03
My brother recently suffered from cellultis (bad spelling) and that caused his elbow to triple in size, he's fine now, also a staph infection maybe?


09-07-13, 00:08
Hi freaked. Yeah im not feeling dizzy so maybe not that. Are some people just prone to gettinf swollen ankles? I had a car journey that only lasted 3 hours and my ankles were severly swollen for a week.

Hi neilsimpson- im not too sure what either of them are but I will investigate.

Thanks :)

09-07-13, 00:14
DO NOT GOOGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! lol

Theyre both just fluid infections, nothing more :)


09-07-13, 00:22
Oooopsieee... I have already :( lol

It hasnt worried me though.. phew!


09-07-13, 00:29
LOL, did it help any?

NEIL xxx

09-07-13, 01:35
No doesnt really sound like something I have got..

But thanks for your input anyway though :)

Much appreciated.

09-07-13, 01:45
I logged on, I read, I tried, I failed LOL :)

Hope you get it sorted anyway :)

NEIL xxx

09-07-13, 08:56
I have swollen ankles, mostly because of the hot weather, I try to drink water. even though I am not thirsty. The gp gave me water tablets last year.
They don't seem to help at all though. I soak my feet in cold water.
Best see Gp, or maybe you have , sorry if I have got this all wrong
I have to go in a hurry as usual. Good Luck:hugs:

09-07-13, 10:26
Hot weather causing fluid retention. Wearing trousers or socks that are too tight or eating lots of salty food and not drinking enough clear fluids won't help.

09-07-13, 12:39
Hi magic and yenool :)

I will try drinking water and soaking my feet :) never wear socks or tight trousers and I have cut salt out of my diet so wont be that. Thankyou for the suggestions!


09-07-13, 15:03
Hi joelhall :)

Yeah I will be asking doctor on thursday. Thankyou for your reply.

Do you know of medication ( citalopram and bisoprolol) could cause this?


Citalopram has been linked with peripheral oedema with a peak incidence between 6-12 month after the start of treatment. BOth drugs could be linked with oedema, although often this is due to reactions, as beta-blockers are an anti-hypertensive treatment.
Of course it may be that you are dehydrated in the hot weather, that your blood pressure has raised slightly... There are a lot of causes which I could spend a long time listing but it really needs to be investigated to get a definite answer, and my recommendation is to see your doctor.

09-07-13, 15:51
Thankyou joelhall :)

I find your posts really helpful.
