View Full Version : Anyone in Bristol or Wiltshire with OCD want to meet?

08-07-13, 14:20
Hi thanks for reading.
Due to my OCD I struggle to make new friends as I feel I can't be open in fear of ridicule so I was wondering if anyone would like to meet up & possibly start a friendship based on truth & to have someone who understands you.
Let me know :) look forward to hearing from you

02-08-13, 18:43
Hi Bunnybun,

I know this is an old post but I am moving to Marlborough in the next few weeks.
It's going to be a pretty daunting time having to move away from my family.

I also find it very difficult to make friends due to feelings of inadequacy; throw panic attacks into the mix and the odd phobia.... well you get the picture:wacko:

I also have a slight OCD thing with toilets (Nothing to out there)!
If you want to chat feel free to pm me.

All the best,

Russell. :hugs:

02-08-13, 20:26
I'm in Bristol and could do with more friends who understand this damned condition! I have harm OCD/Pure O and GAD. :-)

MrsS x

12-02-17, 13:35
I'm hoping to find make new friends with ocd. I've lost alot of friends because they don't understand I find it hard to meet up, due to triggers and a fear of embarrasing myself. I would love to have friends who understand.

Unsure this is still active but I'm from these areas so it would be really nice to meet new people. I'm around 30 :)

16-02-17, 18:37
Hi there, I'm in the Bristol area, not sure yet whether I'm ready to meet people face to face but if I can work up the courage, maybe! Just wanted to say hi and that you're not alone!

19-02-17, 01:36
Hey, I also meant meet as in online chat only :o i would need to feel super comfortable first, and that usually takes time. I definatly can't handle meeting up at the moment. Just be cool to know some people. I've never known anyone else with ocd.

Hope your all okay

28-02-17, 11:21
Shall we set up a time we could all be in the chat room together?

28-02-17, 12:14
This is not strictly a meet up section LOL I have OCD too but guess Bristol is a bit far. How ever Changes the MH Charity I go to has recently had a member leave the area I am from, and they have moved to Bristol and opened up a office in Bristol, they have many work shops going, Classes, Peer Support Groups, social meets etc etc so be sure to drop by and say hello :) Cheers