View Full Version : Panicky tonight

08-07-13, 20:38
I'm having a terrible evening. I have ME and I totally overdid it yesterday and have been shattered and in a lot of pain all day. I finally managed to get out of bed at 5pm, feeling able to stand up at last.

It was at that point that panic set in. Totally out of the blue. When I'm poorly it's a massive trigger for panic. I felt nauseous and dizzy, then my heart started pounding. I thought some food might help so I tried to make some toast, but the dizziness kicked in every time I stood up. Finally I got it toasted and sat on the floor eating it, but I was naiseous and couldn't stomach it even though I was ravenous.

I laid on the floor for a bit until I could get to the sofa. I'm so shattered I keep dozing off. I want to go to bed but every time I try to get up I come over dizzy and my heart starts pounding and I can't even get out of the lounge, let aline up the stairs without fainting.

I really, really hate this. I keep telling myself it will pass (it always does). But this is just horrible, I want it to pass NOW! I want to get into bed and warm up, but I'm freezing on the sofa and I can't get up. I hate this horrible illness and I just want to cry.

08-07-13, 21:11
It will be ok Edie. Relax your body and let those horrible feelings wash over you and fade away. You don't need to fight them, they will go on their own just like they always do.

08-07-13, 21:18
Oh that sounds awful. Could you get to the bottom of the stairs and sit there a while until the dizziness subsides before making your way up or could you get any clothes/coats of anything from downstairs to warm yourself up?

Like you say this will pass and you will get better but that isn't helping you now.

I've recently started back on a SSRI and have been feeling hot/cold/dizzy and am spending most of my time lying down and it's frustrating and scary. 9 years a go I was told I had ME but I gradually increased my activity, started Prozac and paced myself and I recovered. Panic, anxiety, depression and ME are inextricably linked and once you find the right balance between pushing yourself and rest you will recover too.

Good luck and don't give up hope
Tale care

08-07-13, 21:38
Edie, I wish I knew what to say and i'm sorry you are feeling so poorly. I haven't enough of an understanding of your illness to be wonderfully wise. That having been said, maybe you would benefit from some good old-fashioned TLC..... Lots of nice comforting hugs & special caring vibes.... So here they are, Edie......

:bighug1: :grouphug: :bighug1: :grouphug: :bighug1: :grouphug: :bighug1: :grouphug: :bighug1: :grouphug:
:grouphug: :bighug1: :grouphug: :bighug1: :grouphug: :bighug1: :grouphug: :bighug1: :grouphug: :bighug1:

08-07-13, 21:56
Yes I could get to my coats. Why didn't I think of that? D'oh! Brain isn't really working today. I can get some coats then I can sleep downstairs on the sofa. Sleep will sort me out.

08-07-13, 22:33
If you need to PM me I will try and help.

09-07-13, 00:27
My dad rang and I just burst into tears so he came round. He microwaved me some food that was a bit more appetising than toast and I managed to eat some. That's given me enough strength to get up the stairs and my dad left me in bed with a nice big glass of water and some snacks. He's fed the cat so she will leave me in peace to sleep. Food has helped and at least now I can sleep in comfort, which should help as well! I'm now struggling to stay awake, so going to get myself a good night's sleep now and tomorrow should be much better. At least it definitelt cannit be worse anyway!

Goodnight all, and thank you for your encouragement tonight. Maybtomorroe be a better day for us alk xx

14-07-13, 10:07
Are you really a 'part-time dry cleaner'? Do you think the fumes affect you at all?

14-07-13, 11:26
No, the machines are very safe. If you've been in a dry cleaners recently you may have noticed you hardly get the smell any more. Dry cleaning solvent would make you drowsy so would probably help with anxiety anyway! And I hadn't been at work that day so it can't have been that.