View Full Version : my current obsession...

10-10-06, 12:38
hi guys....
I have my ongoing problems and symptoms with anxiety-at the minute im especially worried about my heart...however i also seem to become obsessed with the idea of developing certain conditions-mainly cancers...currently i am very worried about breast cancer.......i think it started a few weeks ago when every paper and magazine i picked up had articles about how great the risk of breast cancer is these days......it planted a seed in my mind, which has not stopped growing!!

I am currentley checking myself several times a day-to the point where im starting to feel sore and i have also developed breast pain-not sure if im doing this or its hormonal?

I had a chest xray a few weeks ago...does anyone know if that would have picked up anything abnormal in my boobs???

Anyone else go in phases of becoming "obsessional" about developing cancer or something...then forget about it and move on to somewhere else in the body....how often should we check for lumps-i feel we are scared these days and we should be so aware of our bodies........
thanks for reading, needed to get that off my chest!
take carex

10-10-06, 12:50

I've been worrying about breast cancer lately too. I also worry if I get a lump or have a mole or something, I worry if that is cancer.

My worry about breast cancer became worse when I saw the news recently. I usually try to avoid the news. It is hard when you hear about these things.

Heather x

10-10-06, 13:03
hi when,

i am obsessed by cancer, and particularly breast cancer, so you're not alone in your worries. I think it is breast cancer awareness month this month, so it seems to be everywhere i go (as if I needed any more awareness!).

I've been to the doctors tons of times with lumps, every time she checks them and says everything's normal - she told me that cancerous lumps are usually pretty obvious, and feel quite different to the normal cysts that most people have. Knowing that has helped me a little to not freak out about general lumpiness.

If you are worried, it might be worth going and getting your breasts checked by your doctor, or the nurse, and they would be able to tell you what you should be looking out for.

Checking several times a day is a really bad idea, as it will only make your anxiety worse, and will also make you feel very sore! When i was checking all the time, i found that i kept finding new lumps all the time to worry about - now i limit myself to once a month, and once i have done my monthly 'check', i reinforce in my mind that i didnt find anything wrong, and that i must accept this and not think any more about it until the next month - its the only way i can keep myself sane.

i think when we hear that we must check our bodies just to be safe, this is really aimed at people who never even think about their health, whereas us health anxious people just think we aren't checking enough and it makes us feel worse!

i hope this helps a little - you are not the only one.

take care,

10-10-06, 13:24

you are definately not alone in this, i am currently obssessed with the same thing.
I am at the moment trying to wean myself off checking so often, so thats its only once a month that i do it.
Strawberries reply is very good and actually reassures me, so i hope it does the same thing for you.

anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

10-10-06, 13:43
thanks for your replies-strawberrie what you say is very sensible and i will try to take your advice on board.....i know the ideal time to check for lumps is the week after your period-so i will try my best to do this...once only.....knowing others think similar makes me think im not going totally mad-well maybe just a little!
thanks again...x