View Full Version : Anxiety is ruling my life.

08-07-13, 21:48
Hi all,
I'll just give you a bit of background, i have suffered anxiety/panic attacks for years, have always been a nervous person but 10 years ago i finally got diagnosed with GAD. I was put on 75mg of Venlafaxine which has helped my life considerably. Roll forward to now, i have the odd panic attack, but nothing that i cant control, but the one big upset in my life is my dad. He has incurable lung cancer, he was given 18 months to live, he is doing remarkably well and is currently on holiday on a cruise.
2 weeks ago i went on holiday, i had the most amazing time, no anxiety, no panic just relaxation and it was pure bliss. I get home and i start to feel the panic setting in, at first i thought it was just 'holiday blues' but this continued. On friday of last week, it peaked and i thought i was going to have a breakdown, all the emotion of everything that has been happening with my dad, and the fact i havent been able to deal with it came flooding in. I spoke to my doctor straight away, she gave me diazepam 2mg just for a week, she also upped my dose of venlafaxine to 150mg per day. I have been taking it for 3 days now, i have been signed off work for a week until i get myself sorted, but currently my parents are away and my partner works 13 hour shifts so im on my own all day. Im starting to feel the venlafaxine working, but i feel its going to be a long week. The thing thats getting me anxious and worried is the fact im physically having too make myself eat. I dont fancy food at all, but when i do eat certain things it feels as though it sticks in my throat. Will my appetite come back? I worry about not eating and have lost a stone in weight already :weep:

08-07-13, 22:23
Maybe its the change in medication affecting your appetite? It sounds like you have had a tough time with your dad so its bound to be an emotional time for you. Have you tried going out for walks? This could help with your appetite.

08-07-13, 22:31
Thank you for your reply, I had the loss of appetite before i started the new dosage. I think its the anxiety causing it because as soon as anything bad happens i always go off food. I walk loads, all weekend my partner and i got out of the house and walked, it was lovely as i wasnt at home. I have been doing all the housework and keeping myself busy but as soon as i stop the anxiety starts again.