View Full Version : Hot Weather

08-07-13, 23:22
Does everyone like the weather at the moment? Don't get me wrong I love a bit of sun but I like early to mid 20's anything near the 30's makes my anxiety so much worse as I feel hot, bothered and a bit dizzy from time to time. It also plays havoc with my tummy too and I go off food so feel hungry...sorry to be moaning but I was curious if anyone else feels the same?

09-07-13, 00:25
Yeah today was too hot for me to go outside, I went out for a bit but the sun was far too hot for my skin.
I've got a headache all day and a heat rash ? At the moment. My skins too itchy.
I even took a cool shower lol.
My house is soo stuffy :(
I don't know how I'll manage to sleep and I think it's going to be rather hot again tomorrow.

09-07-13, 12:58
I'm locked up in a psychiatric hospital right now and the windows barely open (for obvious reasons) and I'm dying in here!!

It's so hot that I can't sleep. I can't have a fan in my room either due to cables.

Looking forward to an entire week of this!! NOT!

09-07-13, 13:10
I love this hot weather we are getting, its fantastic, can go away for the day. get my washing out. can be outside.

09-07-13, 13:49
Love it, I'm sunbathing right now..and vit d is good for you..

09-07-13, 14:44
I love it too. Can't think of anything better than sat in my garden, reading a good book with the sun beating down. Pity I'm stuck in an office till 5pm then have an hour gym session! Enjoy it.... those who can! xx

09-07-13, 14:54
I'm a hot weather hater lol I just get grouchy!

09-07-13, 17:21
I love hot weather, I've been to Egypt during the summer and it just gives me energy. I think I'm a lizard. The point it depresses me is when I'm sitting in a dark shop and watching guys coming in from the pub garden. My happiest moment is sitting by the sea or harbour, sipping an ice cold cider with friends.

09-07-13, 17:28
Sorry to say I don't like the weather when it is so hot. I just feel like a moaning Minnie. :shades:

09-07-13, 18:56
Sorry to say I don't like the weather when it is so hot. I just feel like a moaning Minnie. :shades:

oh Magic you made me laugh :roflmao: its the way you says it....

09-07-13, 21:14
I'm ginger, so naturally, I hate it.

13-07-13, 00:52
I'm not liking it! My anxiety has gone haywire this year. Might be post-wedding, who knows! Glad it wasn't this toasty when we got married, who knows what I might of done?! lol

MrsS x

15-07-13, 21:36
I see the heat wave is here to last :mad: I'm a misery but I'm no good in the heat- like 20-25 degrees that's good for me :D I did try to embrace the sun on Sunday for an hour or so...got just a tad burnt on the arms whoops!

Steveo sending hugs :hugs:

Xx Daisy

15-07-13, 22:05
I like sunny days as I can do stuff outside but don't like getting burned so I don't stay in direct sunlight too long and when I do I use a high factor, don't forget fluoxetine (which I am on) can make u sensitive to sunlight. It has been very hot indeed in our office. I have heat bumps and a pimply rash in my finger, all heat related. Yeah I agree, 20-25 would suit.

blue moon
16-07-13, 06:39
It is 27 here today and it is Winter,a lovely day:D

16-07-13, 08:50
It is 27 here today and it is Winter,a lovely day:D
that would be high summer temperatures to us!!!!

Granny Primark
16-07-13, 10:48
I love the sun as long as we have a bit of a breeze. Just we had air conditioning at night.

16-07-13, 18:37
Blue Moon- wow if that's winter I'm not sure how I'd cope in a summer :)

Granny Primark- lol yes I keep pleading with my partner that an air con unit is an essential item but then I get a look :shades:

Tessar- flipping heat rashes! I know what you mean and yes you have to be careful with some meds. My burnt arms are getting a bit better but I hate it when you get the looks of 'ouch that's sore!' Yep I know I'm the idiot who thought an hour out and about couldn't do much harm!

Xx Daisy

16-07-13, 18:47
I think the big problem with this heat is trying to sleep. Getting the right amount of sleep does help with anxiety

16-07-13, 19:48
My hair (well what I have got left) has gone white with the sun:mad:.
I went into a hairdressers today and asked for them to colour it back to blonde.
"what" they said ---all our customers are paying to get your colour.
I walked out. At least the hot weather is saving me money.:)

16-07-13, 20:13
I dont want to moan cos Im loving the nice weather but it is making my anxiety and pins and needles quite bad, I get really conscious of my breathing and cos its so hot I feel like I cant breathe....never bloody happy are we :(

17-07-13, 03:09
It's too hot at night time, I can't breathe:mad::mad:



17-07-13, 11:08
I love that picture of the cat!

I live in London so we're the hottest in the UK. Where I live is a court with garages behind our communal garden, which is tons hotter than anywhere else. I'm sweating in places I didn't think were possible right now.

I'm looking forward to going to Tunisia in September to COOL DOWN!

17-07-13, 11:23
oh no rennie, i wouldnt know how to cope if i lived in london, its bad enough in the south east!!!! what's it like at night where you are, must be very uncomfortable.....
i liked the cat pic too.

17-07-13, 11:33
Our bedroom is the coolest room in the flat so during this time of year it's OK. With a window open and a fan on it's not too bad, you can easily have a thin duvet over your legs. I used to live on the coast and I can definitely feel the difference between there and here.

17-07-13, 17:53
Love the picture that sums me up doing anything to get cool!

Rennie what you said was what my mum said to me when she went to Greece about sweating in places she never even knew about!

Just wish we were geared up for it-oh well it wouldn't be a British summer without a good old moan!

Sending icey hugs to everyone feeling the heat right now! :roflmao:

17-07-13, 18:10
My neighbour had this thermometer out today, our communal garden went up to 93F or 34C with 50% humidity. Ye-ouch!