View Full Version : Medical Procedure in hospital with overnight stay

09-07-13, 06:55
I am to have a minor procedure in hospital with an overnight stay. I am to have a general or a spinal anaesthetic. I am already stressing about it all. I go for a pre op appointment today. My anxiety has been off the scale and I was wondering whether anyone has any tips on how to stay calm. I am hoping to have a spinal because of all the meds I am on but that means I will stay awake during the op. The other alternative is to have a general and face being very sick and nauseous afterwards. I am very sick inspite of what they give me. I intend to take iPod/iPad in with me. Thanks guys. EJ

09-07-13, 08:08
Wishing you well for today and I hope everything goes smoothly for you.

09-07-13, 08:13
My sister in law just as told to take music with her. I would make sure you have relaxing music. They may give you a sedative as well. I hope it all goes well, I am sure it will x

09-07-13, 08:16
It is on 16th July

09-07-13, 08:48
I've had minor surgery twice. I have mild acrophobia and anxiety. So the doc gave me 10mg Valium to take the night before and told me to take 6mg the morning.
I asked the host consultant if I could go first on the list so I did not have to lie in the hops bed working up to a major panic and they let me no bother.
I also am VERY sick with the anaesthetic and made sure I told them on my ore op assessment appointment. The anaesthetist was brilliant and he sad he would give me something. Don't know what it was. But didn't have any nausea at all. I think if was just the sugar drip.
I've always found the and isn't so bad after cos One, its all over and two the anaesthetic calms you down a bit and eaves you a bit groggy.
Even if you have a spinal, they can give you Valium as well
Good luck
Let us know how you get on

09-07-13, 11:54
Thank you for the helpful comments. I am going for my pre op appointment this afternoon so I will be taking my meds with me. I do have diazepam to take at home but I prefer to not take it if I can. I'm not sure if I can stop the nausea and sickness we shall just have to see. I was still sick even after a spinal before. I think for me it is good to talk about the anxiety and I worry about my asthma and the fact that I take lithium. The surgery is afternoon so I don't go in until lunchtime on 16th July. I would prefer an early morning list so I could go as a day patient. Just need to stock up on my whale noises or something.EJ

09-07-13, 13:04
Hope it all goes well for you. x

09-07-13, 14:53
Ahhh good luck EJ, thinking of u:flowers:

09-07-13, 16:10
Thanks guys, the pre op went well. I won't know what anaesthetic I'm having till the day of the op. Trying to stay calm until then EJ

09-07-13, 17:57
Aww EJ I'm so glad your appointment today went well.

I think you're handling it really well to be honest. I'd be the same or even worse if it were me, I'm not at all good with anything "hospital" and surgery is right up there on my "things not to do list"! :winks:

Like you though, I'd much prefer to have a spinal to that of a general, I have trouble with the after effects of a general and I feel off the planet for days!!!!

I'm sure that all will go just fine, remember to let the nurses, doctors and everyone else know that you suffer from anxiety and you find doing this sort of thing very difficult, they will then be able to reassure you and help you through the procedure :)

Sending you supporting hugs and I shall be thinking about you on the 16th but I know that you'll be just fine hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

09-07-13, 18:06
GOOD LUCK ElizabethJane:):flowers:

09-07-13, 19:44
Hello EJ. I can totally understand your feelings about your forthcoming procedure. Having never been in hospital before I was really anxious about a procedure I had to have under general anaesthetic earlier in the year. I'm not sure how I managed to do it but I was able to detach myself from the anxiety a bit by keeping telling myself to view it as an experience rather than an ordeal, that aspects of the whole procedure might be interesting rather than scary etc. The weeks building up to the actual procedure were more stressful than the day itself. Having suffered from episodes of anxiety which would make me retch first thing every morning and lose my appetite for days I totally amazed myself by getting through the whole hospital treatment without any of these affects. Maybe the nil by mouth thing suited me just fine! The general anaesthetic was actually not at all as I had thought it would be. I was given anti-sickness medication with the anaesthetic and it worked a treat. I just had two moments when I suddenly found myself feeling a wave of nausea but no sooner had I had the feeling it suddenly disappeared! The staff were all so nice and reassuring that they really put me at my ease and I was out for the count before I knew what was happening! Afterwards it was a pleasantly sleepy feeling that I had in recovery and not a groggy one.
I found myself having to arrive for 8am on a ward but not ending up taken until late afternoon so there was a lot of waiting around and time to get myself wound up but for every negative feeling or thought I found myself having I tried to think of it with a more positive slant. As the day wore on and I was just lying there I thought - well it's a day of work, drastic measure but a day off nonetheless! Even the ever so attractive gown I was given made me smile a bit! I also found myself thinking that the bottom line is that I'm fortunate enough to be just passing through here and there are people really unwell who are not as lucky so I managed to try to put my position into a context that gave me some perspective. I also took in a Sudoku puzzle book which managed to keep me engrossed for ages and was a good distraction.
I hope it all goes well. Best wishes. x

09-07-13, 20:33
Hello Smile, thank you for your reply. My procedure is scheduled for the afternoon but the list does not start until 1.30pm hence the overnight stay. I am allowed to take in my iPad and phone so it should be ok. It seems that I am sick inspite of anti sickness meds so we'll just have to see. I would still prefer a spinal and you are given oxygen. It is a bit weird being awake in an operating theatre and hearing everything. I agree that keeping occupied is the key if there are delays which there always will be. I'm sure I'll be fine in recovery just grateful to be through the procedure. If it does seem to drag and I'm beginning to feel anxious then I shall ask for diazepam. EJ

09-07-13, 22:08
EJ, my partner had a minor op which required a general. She did have a choice of spinal but as it meant more waiting around afterwards, decided to go under instead,. We both wish she had as the general made her really sick after. the lack of food triggered a migraine, took her a week to be right. We both say next time she will not be put under - the anti-emetics didn't work. There's obviously something in the anaesthetic that doesn't agree with her.

As regards staying calm, for me I would focus on knowing I need the procedure done. If i can't change that, I would accept it is going to happen. That wouldn't be great as I would feel I'd lack control over the situation. What I would remind myself is that whilst it is difficult, sometimes in life it is necessary to put our trust in others.
So try to remind yourself That the medical professionals are there to take care of you.

In the hours leading up to it, have things with you that can fill your mind, to keep you busy. That might be reading, listening to music. I find music very good for distracting me, it might be you choose to play music that helps you concentrate in the task in hand. Stuff that motivates you. That helps you feel you are able to do this.
Or it might be you prefer soft, soothing music.
If music isn't your thing, what about reading? Or writing indeed. Take a few useful bits with you.
Also, your mobile phone, check if you can keep it with you. The info from the hospital my partner had her op at said she couldn't keep hold of her mobile phone. This later turned out to be wrong, so if there is something like that you want to keep with you in your possessions then do ask the question. The info we had been given pre-op wasn't Right.
Try to think of things that historically have Helped to put You in a focused mindset.
I know You can do this. Think positive, EJ. Block negative thoughts. Make the decision that you are going to do that. I'm sure it will help.
Any nerves or reservations you have are totally natural, don't be afraid to ask questions. It might be you want to know what they are doing. So you can ask them to tell you.
Or perhaps it's the other way around. Again you can ask them just to do what they have to do and not tell you about it.
Either way, they will listen. You can be assertive and ask for things. That is totally acceptable. They might be doing the op but you do have rights. dont just feel you a have to be submissive.
Also, I'd suggest finding a way of focusing away from what is happening. Particularly in the lead up. I do this when I am at the dentist, actually in the chair. Focus on anything. The ceiling, a particular bit of equipment. Anything that you can fixate on. Allow that to fill your mind, it might help block thoughts.
Well EJ, hope some of this proves useful.
And I wish you well.
Soon you'll be able to let us know how it went.
Here are some friends to take with you. Don't forget, if you feel worried or at all scared, remember all your lovely supportive friends at NMP. We will be thinking about you, holding your hand and talking to you calmly and providing reassurance. :flowers: :secret::grouphug::unsure::hugs:

---------- Post added at 22:08 ---------- Previous post was at 22:05 ----------

Doh, I just noticed u can have your phone & ipad.....

16-07-13, 11:31
Thanks guys. The procedure is today - this afternoon so I am waiting to go to the hospital. Anxiety is there but I am keeping it in check. Wish me well. EJ

16-07-13, 11:46
wishing you very well indeed EJ and sending you hugs of support and positive vibes!
Remember to be organised, that will help alot!!! you'll have to let us know how you get on!

16-07-13, 12:22
Thanks Tessar. I have been admitted just waiting for something to happen.EJ

16-07-13, 12:25
I'm ALWAYS ill after a GA. But, going back 8 yearss ago now, I had to have 4 teeth out and a ganglion cyst removed. They gave me a premed (granted so many people around when I was sleepy made me more anxious) and something to stop me feeling sick when I came around. I was hobbling my way down the ward half hour after waking up, not dizzy at all!

Speak to them about your feelings, they will definitely do their best to help you.

Good luck!

MrsS x

16-07-13, 13:35
Hi anaesthetist has just been in. I'm having a spinal so hopefully I'll be ok. Just waiting around. I think the surgery will be 2.30-3.30pm EJ

16-07-13, 13:40
Will be thinking of you! xx

17-07-13, 16:53
I am out of hospital. Unfortunately inspite of the spinal anaesthetic I was very very sick. I don't remember much about the op itself and I think that sedation was given as well. I was put on a drip which I was grateful for and given cyclizine for the nausea. By 2.am I had stopped being sick and I took my lithium and other meds. Without the drip I would have become very dehydrated. I have the rest of the week off to rest and my bandages come off on Friday.Thankyou for all your best wishes it is much appreciated. EJ

17-07-13, 18:19
Glad you are home. xxx

17-07-13, 21:25
Glad u r home EJ, so sorry u were still sick. I don't understand what might have done that unless it was in the sedative or perhaps because u had anaesthetic in your body full stop. You must have been disappointed about that, I feel disappointed for you as I thought I would solve the problem. Bum!! That's all8cab say about that!!!
. But you survived and as you said they gave you something for the sickness. Also it was really good they out you on a drip, they didn't do that for my partner and it meant she couldn't go home for nearly 2 days far day surgery procedure. It sounds like they looked after you. I'm pleased it is all over and hope the op itself went well for you. Brave girl...huge hugs and really well done.

17-07-13, 21:56
I am pleased that you are home again and wish you a speedy recovery :hugs:

17-07-13, 22:44
just relax you will be fine i will also pray for you
by the way i wounder if you ever get 100% cure of anxiety ?