View Full Version : Past 24 hours

09-07-13, 08:24
So in the past 24 hours I've had heart problems, bleed on the brain, skin cancer, bowel cancer and bone cancer. When is this going to end? It's exhausting me. Surely I can't spend the rest of my life worrying about every single little twinge. Does anyone else panic about every single little thing? :weep:

09-07-13, 08:37
Aww I know how awful it is. My worry is that I have an underlying heart condition and it is on my mind ALL the time. Fortunately I start CBT at the end of this month and 2 doctors have told me it's really good so hopefully that will help. Have you not thought about CBT?

09-07-13, 09:14
I started Cbt about 6 weeks ago but only had 2 sessions but now my therapist is leaving so I have got to start again at the beginning of August :( I'm just so fed up now because I am wasting my life worrying now but can't snap out of it x

09-07-13, 09:39
That must be so frustrating to have to wait again!
I totally understand how you are feeling. Its difficult to take your mind off it too.
I do recall more than 1 post from you in regards to palpitations and I get these too. They can occur at any moment and mine is usually like a flutter, occasionally like 3 or 4 strong heartbeats. All my adult family members have had them before and my partner did recently and it doesnt bother them! I long fpr the day I can just 'ignore' them and im sure you do too. Hopefully it will come.
When it comes to fear of cancers I always end up thinking rationally and deciding I don't have them, yet always think 'what if I do and regret not getting checked out' it's like a never ending cycle.

10-07-13, 17:38
Why am I constantly feeling like this, my head is pounding having twinges in my chest and worried sick I'm going to drop dead. I'm driving those closest to me away with my constant reassurance seeking I'm snappy and miserable and feel I'm wasting my life. Am I ever going to get better? :weep:

10-07-13, 17:40
The simple reason really is when you have an anxiety disorder you tend to place too much importance on thoughts and feelings - whether physical or emotional. It's the classic vicious cycle people talk of as both feed one another. You can get better of course, it's just finding a way to do this which is tricky.

10-07-13, 17:41
I know how you feel exactly. Last week it was Melanoma, this week because of new symptoms I've convinced myself it's Inflammatory Breast Cancer.

I was better for 6 years with the odd flare up. I completed DBT and CBT and it seemed to have helped with the anxiety.

11-07-13, 08:30
How can I stop this feeling of waking up anxious, this is one of my worst symptoms. How does anyone else manage this? :weep:

11-07-13, 13:57
I too have the same issues, those and others at the moment. Tomorrow it will be something else. If something comes on tv or someone mentions an illness to me then I have it. It is horrendous and I really do understand your pain and thoughts. I am going downhill again and have pain in various places which of course is all due to serious problems not my stress, anxiety and generally working myself up! Things will get easier with time, the problem with me is that I'm frightened to take tablets. CBT helped for a while but unfortunately it isn't the easiest thing to get in my area. I have paid privately to see a specialist but money issues mean I can no longer afford to go :-(

11-07-13, 14:37
You will get better! This from somebody who for a good 8 months thought she had MS, strokes & brain tumours. Looking back now it's laughable. My MS would be cured one day then I would have a stroke that night. I recovered from that quickly only for my tumour to return :wacko:! It wasn't funny at the time though - far from it! I sympathise. HA is an awful thing to have. I would say I'm 90% better. I still get odd moments when I think 'OMG - headache'...... but then I remember how bad it was last year and it's a place I don't want to revisit EVER. xx