View Full Version : im so scared

10-10-06, 14:59
hi every1

ive been having tummy pains 2day in my right side, its not even that painful but ive convinced myself its appendix and im gonna end up in hospital which is my worst fear!!
im going 2 the drs at 10 to 4 but im so scared incase she sends me 2 the hospital,
i dunno the point of this post really just needed to vent

leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

Ma Larkin
10-10-06, 15:15
Hi Leanne, my mum had her appendix out last year. The pain is in the right hand side of your tummy, quite low down and if you press the area, the pain should hurt more as the pressure is released, if you understand what I mean. I'm sure the doctor will sort you out. Try not to worry too much.


10-10-06, 15:27
Hi Leanne,Iv been getting pains in my right side for years,had loads of tests done all clear.Usually mine is constipation,and my meds cause really hard stools.[:I]They cause pain when they are moving down.Also you may have ovulations pains.Seeing your gp is the best bet,at least to put your mind at ease.I used to think mine was appendix and I would end up in hospital.I even packed an overnight bag once as I thought I was going in hospital that was about 15 years ago.Let us know how it goes.;)

Ellen XX

10-10-06, 15:40
Let us know how you get on hun.

Meanwhile take this hug with you ((((L))))

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

10-10-06, 16:32
dr said its not appendicitis, even though it hurts when pressed, he said there will be other symptoms, took a wee sample incase its an infection im still not convinced though, would the dr really be able to tell from just feeling my tummy???

i have also thought about packing a bag incase lol
a bit relieved but im still panicing, ive just eaten a sandwich, ive not eaten all day i spose that dosnt help,
leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

10-10-06, 16:44
Hi Leanne,Try to relax now,easier said than done I know!!!!!
Dr can feel alot just by touching your tummy.My doctor knew I was full of poo[:I] just by feeling my tummy.Anxiety can cause these pains to!!:(.You must eat and drink.Im sure it will all be ok.

Ellen XX

10-10-06, 16:46
hi Ellen

thanks alot, its reassuring know u have the same

leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

10-10-06, 17:36
Be reassured by the doctor hun!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.