View Full Version : In a predicament - need advice

09-07-13, 17:28
Hi Guys,

So with summer season in full swing, I went to see my doc as I had been anxious about some moles I have (I have quite a few moles with 95% of them below 6mm) and have a few which I would consider dodgy.

So spent some time with the doc and showed her the ones I was worried about she did say 'yes" they were irregular but she wasn't worried about them and for me just to keep an eye on them, take a pic of them and view them in a few months etc... I said that they havent changed in at least 18 months and they havent been itchy, scabby or bleeding. Again she said she wasn't worried by them. She said if she was worried she would send me straight to the dermatologist at the local hospital.

But then she said it would be a good idea to see a doctor in the surgery who specialises in skin conditions and he could take a look at them and photograph them and then I could have a check up on a yearly basis.

This has thrown my mind into utter confusion and with my anxiety I feel very confused, she says she is not worried about them at all but at the same time says I should see the skin doc in the surgery.

Am I looking too much into it and do you think she wants me to see the other doctor so he can put my mind at ease or because she is worried about them?

I am now also a bit anxious about booking another appointment with the other doc because I hate the waiting and build up to an appointment and am very scared that he will say they are dodgy...

I feel so damn confused, I want to just relax and not worry about it and take what the original doctor said but my mind wont let me.

Any advice would really help...

09-07-13, 17:32
Gday Mark,

My partner has some moles (quite large), one above her eye and one behind her neck, we had them checked out and the dr did the same thing as she did to you, I went off on one, thinking the worst, my wife went and made an appointment with the skin specialist at the surgery (she was totally unfazed) and yep all was good, skin specialist said it just happens.

Always listen to the dr my friend, even though I know how hard it is with HA

Hope this helps :)


09-07-13, 17:39
Hi Neil,

So the original doctor just said to get them checked by the specialist and the specialist dr just said sometimes you get irregular moles and they aren't dangerous?

I guess first and foremost I should take on board what the original doc said when she said she is not worried because they know what they are looking for right?

09-07-13, 17:42
Yeah its pretty much just standard routine I think. Just because the specialist may (but unlikely) see something the dr doesn't, but if she didn't see anything then id say all is good :)

09-07-13, 17:42

09-07-13, 17:49
How I read it is that your Doc is not worried about your moles at this time so that is good.
You can then keep a photo record of any changes yourself IF any happen but also get a professional in this field to do the same which is a good idea.
Your Doc' is NOT saying they may have missed something and they want a skin specialist to have a look, just that from now on having them checked is a great idea and the specialist is the best person for this.
