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09-07-13, 18:09
Just would love to know what dose you guys are taking?

As you may or may not of read, I'm currently in a psychiatric hospital and have just had my dose upped from 10mg to 20mg this morning.

I'm expecting some very nasty side effects for a while.

Would love to know your experiences of upping a dose.

All the best


09-07-13, 18:13
Hi Steven

I've just started on 10mg whilst reducing mirt from 30mg to 15mg and then stopping after 3 weeks. I've had a crap couple of weeks but this seems to be passing, but I'm not looking forward to stopping mirt next week :unsure:

Good luck with the increase and hope it doesn't cause you too many problems.

Sue x

09-07-13, 18:28
I am on 40mg of citalopram, I started on 20mg and then upped to 30mg to 40mg. It took about 4 weeks at 20mg for the side effects to settle down. I had a few symptoms when I went from 20mg to 30mg but nothing too major, and when I went up to 40mg I did not experience any further effects. The only symptom I have now is that I do wake up quite a bit during the night but luckily can get back to sleep. I still have bouts of anxiety but the depression is almost gone, still have the odd down day - but don't we all!

Good luck with your increase, hopefully it will be side effect free :hugs:

15-07-13, 00:35
I'm on 20mg of Escitalopram and it's been brilliant for me. Hope things work out for you xx

15-07-13, 07:24
I'm so sorry to hear you are in hospital darl...really hope you are ok. I am on 10mg's still but am supposed to go up to 20mg's but have not dared take the plunge as yet as though I am still a little blippy on 10mg's sometimes and soon get anxiety if I am stressed as it doesn't seem quite strong enough.
Sue I withdrew from Mirtazapine last year and it was horrible, I used to be sick for physically a few days each time I reduced but it soon passed.

18-07-13, 22:45
Hey Karen. The jump from 10mg to 20mg wasn't half as bad as I expected. It was slightly higher anxiety for a week but no other problems.

Tried an anti psychotic last night on top of it.... NEVER AGAIN!! It was what I imagine mirt to be but 100 times stronger. Knocked me for six!

19-07-13, 09:31
Glad the change in dose was not too bad, I am sure if you have to increase it again it will be the same.

21-07-13, 11:29
I don't want to go higher than 20mg. 20mg of Escitalopram is the highest recommended due to heart problems. 40mg is the highest with Citalopram. I know that some doctors can put it higher but I think I already have a bit of a funny heart so would rather not risk it.

22-07-13, 16:07
I am just about to change over from citalopram to escitalopram tomorrow, starting off on 10mg for a few days and then upping to 20mg. A bit nervous but Doc says the switch should not be too bad as they are similar?!

23-07-13, 08:44
Escitalopram is actually alot easier to tolerate upon start up than citalopram so good luck, you should hopefully be just fine xx

23-07-13, 15:02
Up to go to 30mg tomorrow!! *GULP*

Above the recommended dose due to heart problems but desperate times call for desperate measures I guess. I'm just glad I don't experience too many side effects on this drug.

31-07-13, 02:10
I'm on 20mg. 10 didn't cut it for me. I've had a fair amount of side effects on this dose but it does work for anxiety for me. It might be pooping out on me at the moment but it worked like a charm for over two years

09-08-13, 16:57
Been on 30mg for 2 weeks now! It's strong!!

10-08-13, 10:31
Steveo by strong do you mean you are getting side effects??? Or it is working??

17-08-13, 10:04
[/COLOR]I mean I felt VERY medicated! I am day 2 of back down to 20mg now. I couldn't function on 30mg. I was constantly tired and I had pressure headaches alot. I felt flu like. I think it did get rid of anxiety attacks but caused such other problems that it CAUSED anxiety if that makes sense.

I tried three weeks at 30mg and although I had 3 REALLY good days on it, I felt it was too strong. So now I'm going to have to deal with going back down to 20mg. Also just been told I'm being booted out of here in 10 days...... I'm no where NEAR better. Infact I'm no different to how I was when I came in here.

17-08-13, 10:49
Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you (we all are)
The only thing I take is libriam 10mg can take them up to 3 a day.
I have tried cert but I stopped because of my weight gain.
My worst thing is anxiety. I know I am depressed, but not that bad I cannot get out of bed. but I dread going to see GP.
I hope they get your meds sorted before you are discharged Steve and you find a place to stay, and also on the way to recovery from the terrible ordeal you are going through
Lots love:hugs:

17-08-13, 14:10
Thankyou so much Magic. My brain can't even begin to comprehend what's happening to me at the moment. Plus I'm trying to withdraw off the diazepam! That's not easy :(

Thanks Magic x

18-08-13, 09:47
How long did they have you on 20mg's before Steveo??? I've been up to 15mgs for 5 day snow and aren't feeling all that bad, in fact I had a brill day yesterday, just got a weenie bit of nervousness at the mo....so hopefully you will settle on the 20mg as 30 was far too much to give you, it's above the max dose, though I know hospitals are allowed to prescribe more than gp's. No one wants to feel drugged to the eye balls though as I'd feel anxious if I felt that way too and after 3 weeks you'd think it would have settled a little so I think you have done the right thing. xxxx

18-08-13, 18:15
They only gave me 10 days on 20mg before they upped it!!! Not enough at all!!

So now I'm going through the motions of going back down again! I'm never ever settled! It's annoying! How are you Karen?

18-08-13, 19:19
Settled on 30mg Citalopram finally got the dose right after 3 months.:)

18-08-13, 21:41
30mg is the equivalent of 15mg Escitalopram. I'm glad to hear you're settled!

19-08-13, 10:27
Oh are you not on Escitlaopram then Steveo and on Citalopram???? Now I get why the doctors put you up to 30mg's as you can go up to 40mg's of regular Citalopram. I was on that dose last time and it sorted me out to the point that I was perfect fro 3 years, then my doctor took me off it and here I am again! ha ha!
Any how how are you now you have gone back to 20mg's? Gosh I make no wonder you are getting bad side effects then as I think Citalopram is harsh to tolerate upon start up. You may actually find you do need to go up again to feel perfect at some point but slowly, I went up to 40mg's after I'd been on 20 for 5 months,so for me the side effects weren't all that bad. As for Escitalopram, I am so mad at myself for not increasing sooner and don't know if I will even need the 20mg's max.

19-08-13, 11:50
Nonononono I was responding to the previous poster. I'm on Escitalopram Karen.

20-08-13, 11:31
I thought so Steveo....how are you any how? I am really good on the extra 5mg's and no side effects at all now! Just maybe insomnia but it's not feeling crappy insomnia.

24-08-13, 14:42
Sorry for late reply to this!

Im doing good on 20mg infact. Feeling better than I was on 30mg! 30mg made me feel drugged right up! Was unpleasant. And 10mg just wasn't enough to get over this horrible blip. 20mg so far (TOUCH WOOD) is lifting me. I HOPE it works because I can't go through another drug change or sink back to where I was! If this stays like this then I really feel able to move on with my life! How are you Karen? Still on 15mg?

25-08-13, 06:13
Oh that is brill news Stevo, I cannot believe they put you on 10mg's over the max dose of Escitalopram, I make no wonder you felt drugged up.
Yes I am still on 15mg's but will go up to 20 tomorrow as felt great for a week and now I am flat...much better than I was as my anxiety is good but as ever it is when I wake up mainly, just terrible grief like feeling that does lift but it's been worse last couple of days and not lifting as quickly but I've not had nay side effects at all except for the first day when I felt very irritable and a little off my food and sickly.
So when are you off home? I hope you start to feel so much better every day xxxx