View Full Version : Bad sunburn with blisters today and terrified about skin cancer

09-07-13, 19:52
I'm just back from the beach and I have sunburned really badly. Already there is a blister and I'm terrified by tomorrow I will have more all over me. I've burned badly on my legs and on one of the legs there is a freckle and it looks really strange now. This has NEVER happened to me before and I am totally terrified I will get skin cancer.

Please, please, PLEASE nobody write anything scary or anything that will cause me to worry more. Think about what you write before you answer.

09-07-13, 20:06
I'm no medical expert but I think all you can do at the moment is try to cool and soothe your skin as best you can. Someone once told me that a warm shower, rather than a cold one is actually more effective at taking the heat out of sunburn so you could try that. I put my bottle of after sun lotion in the fridge before applying it so that it's extra cooling. Keep yourself well hydrated and give your skin time to settle down a bit before you panic too much.

09-07-13, 20:12
Aloe Vera gel is good for sunburn. Also calendula. Don't know if you have shy kids but sudocreme can be used on burn as well.
I was burnt badly as a teenager on my shoulders with blisters and I'm still here 15 years later. Just try and take the heat out and rehydrate your skin, plenty of fluid is all you can do for now.

09-07-13, 20:27
Use some sunburn cream, and moisturiser. There's no reason you should worry about skin cancer right now.