View Full Version : Panic attacks in shower

09-07-13, 20:31
Lately i have been worried about my chest organs, heart attacks, pulmonary embolism those kind of things. I am worried because i often get annoying pains around certain areas of my chest, mainly at the side of the left of my chest or other uncomfortable sensations.

But however, i have been having a lot of near panic attacks while having a shower, today i actually had one, lasted for a few seconds but i thought i was gonna die/pass out for whatever reason, thankfully it went away after i sat down and took some deep breaths.

I honestly dunno why this keeps happening in the shower of all places...

09-07-13, 20:33
Left submammary pain isn't related to the heart, and pain from lung conditions is continuous.

09-07-13, 21:22
It always goes when im in a really calm state...but it just keeps coming back with the anxiety >.<

09-07-13, 22:33
Maybe you feel more vurnerable in the shower?
It might be helpful to keep the bathroom door open, as the heat and steam might be making you dizzy or sort of setting off the panic?

09-07-13, 22:44
I can empathise with you. I had a run of palpitations recently after going in the shower and now I'm frightened to go in again. It really knocks you.

09-07-13, 22:54
Agree the heat of the shower could be the cause

09-07-13, 23:11
I have exactly the same! I have to be really quick when I'm in the shower. I thought I was the only one...

09-07-13, 23:14
I have exactly the same! I have to be really quick when I'm in the shower. I thought I was the only one...

This only started to happen a few weeks back, i used to take long showers :(