View Full Version : Feels Like There's No Hope

09-07-13, 22:02
I am new here and this is my first post. I Googled anxiety forum and this one came up. I am glad I am not alone, but so sad so many people are going through what I do every single day.

I just got married 3 weeks ago and I am driving my husband absolutely insane.

So my back started hurting a couple of weeks ago. And I mean, I went to the er thinking I was having a heart attack hurting. An ekg and blood work were normal and they wanted me to do a stress test, but it's thousands of dollars and I don't have insurance yet. The pain got worse. I went to the doctor who said I was having muscle spasms in my back. She put me on zanaflex and 800 mg of ibuprofen. I wont take the ibuprofen because I heard it can cause heart attacks. Went to the er again and the blood work and ekg were normal.

And here I sit. My arms, the underside from shoulder to elbow are aching like no tomorrow. Every now and then I will have a spasm in my chest. Then I have breathlessness, indigestion, nausea, headache.

Google.. brings me heart attack symptoms.
YouTube.. brings me my heart attack survival story.
THEY HAVE MY SYMPTOMS!!! I FEEL LIKE I AM DYING. :wacko: I just want to cry and wake up freaking normal.

Ive called 911 twice in the past, gone to 2 er's and my family dr...all say my heart is fine but I still feel these pains.

I just started counseling and its not helping. I already have OCD and now this?!

My husband keeps saying nobody has a 3 week heart attack. Logically, he's right, but why does my body say I can die any second?

I am terrified and don't know what to do. I just want the aching to go away. :scared11:

09-07-13, 22:11
Anxiety can cause all your symptoms.
Your husbands right, it can't be heart attack.
And Dr Google is not your friend!

09-07-13, 22:16
Thanks for your reply. I didn't know anxiety can cause the aching under the arms. ???

Just after I posted that my hands went all tingly numb and I feel shock sensations in my chest. I feel like an idiot. I keep asking people if my lips look blue and obsessively looking in the mirror...sometimes I convince myself they are blue, and my nails. Ugh. :( I have this squeezing sensation in my upper arms.

I am sitting here with tears running down my face. I am so tired of this worry. I just want these symptoms to go away.:sad::sad::sad:

09-07-13, 22:20
Symptoms won't go away while your so anxious all the time..it's catch 22 , you get Anx which give symptoms, then that causes more Anx and so on..
Mind and body are linked, you keep telling yourself there's something wrong and your body will react with symptoms ..
I've had all the scary symptoms in the past, but now I've recovered, they're all gone.

09-07-13, 22:25
please tell me how you did it... I am miserable. Did you have these symptoms?

09-07-13, 22:29
You can get tingling / pins and needles in your hands from hyperventilating. You may not even be aware if you do it - when your anxious you tend to breathe too frequently (if that makes sense?!) I get it quite often - it makes my mouth tingle too.

Have you read though the 'symptoms' under the link on the left of this page? It's really helpful in explaining why we get certain symptoms when we get anxious. All the best.

09-07-13, 22:37
you need to get on lyrica i had gad for years until i started this- i have a whole new outlook on life,energy and love it- takes a couple of days to get going- you will then start thinking where has the anxirty gone and i cant beleive i used to be like that

09-07-13, 22:37
You have to deal with your fears and the anxiety before symptoms ease off

09-07-13, 22:41
I haven't, but I will do that. I have read anxiety symptoms online. I am getting more symptoms the longer I sit here. Now my neck is hurting. And both of my arms, from the inner side, from my shoulder to my elbow is almost unbearable. How can my mind conjure this up?! :( To top it off, my anxiety does not allow me to take medications because I Googled (I know, bad idea) them and now they can cause heart attacks too.

How did this happen to me? How did I become so obsessed with my own heart? I am right now on the verge of calling 911 on myself again. I have driven myself to insanity.

09-07-13, 22:48
You won't go crazy, so don't add that to your worries!
Like I said your mind and body are linked...for example, if I sit here and tell myself repeatedly that I have pain in my hand lets say, if I concentrate enough I can then feel pain ...if I told myself over and over, I feel sick, guarantee shortly I will feel sick..
You are constantly worrying about heart attacks, your looking out for any ache, pain, the anxiety that causes your body gives you symptoms.

09-07-13, 23:22
Can overly worrying about it make the heart attack actually happen?

---------- Post added at 18:22 ---------- Previous post was at 18:21 ----------

Can overly worrying make it actually happen?

09-07-13, 23:22
No you can't make yourself have a heart attack...but you can give yourself the symptoms

09-07-13, 23:23
Thank you ...you have helped me a lot.

09-07-13, 23:28
Your worrying will cause chest pain, arm pain,numbness, electric jolt, tingling, tension.etc etc..
If you ate something that made you sick, you'd stop eating it..
So time to stop,these worrying thoughts that are making you ill !

10-07-13, 00:09
I just did not realize that anxiety can cause so many physical symptoms. I just text'd with my counselor and she said she was going to walk through this with me safely. I just want my life back symptom free. Life is too short for this!

10-07-13, 02:41
I completely know how you feel. I've been worrying about my heart for a year and a half now. Feel like I'm a complete nut case! I have good and bad days, but I'm still here, right? Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

10-07-13, 17:27
I am having new symptoms today...squeezing sensation in my back and continuing in my forearms. ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I read that this sensation can be your aorta spasming. :( IM dying.