View Full Version : Anyone experienced this before

09-07-13, 23:49
This isn't to do with HA but I don't know who else to ask, basically since yesterday I've had a very uncomfortable feeling in my lower abdomin (bloated and gassed up) I keep having to go wee and whenever I eat I literally poo it out 15mins later.
My stools aren't coming out properly (constipated)
Does this sound like a bug or something? or something I've eaten?
I did have a BBQ on sunday and the only other thing I can think of is the greggs I ate yesterday.
I'm more worried about not keeping my food and fluids in me.
Forgot to add I keep passing gas too.

10-07-13, 00:06
I am like that when I eat as well - I need the loo 10 minutes later.

It could be IBS

10-07-13, 14:34
Is IBS a virus type? and is there anything I can do to help, I ate some dried apricots yesterday which helped the passing of stools a little and making sure I drink enough water.

10-07-13, 14:52
No IBS is not a virus.

You need to be diagnosed with it really though - I am just guessing

10-07-13, 15:00
IBS is a functional disorder. Are there any particular types of foods which make this worse? Did it begin after a bug? Does it cause any other symptoms?

10-07-13, 15:37
This is the first time I've had it, and I never ate a specific food which I haven't eaten before prior to that.
and I haven't had a bug or anything, just started Monday evening.
The only symptoms it's causing is frequant passing of gas, a discomfort in lower ab area and when I go toilet I have to force it out, same with gas.

10-07-13, 15:48
Sounds like IBS. Believe me, if it was food poisoning, you wouldn't be having a problem getting the poo out... :unsure:

10-07-13, 15:51
Constipation is something which just happens from time to time. There's nothing in what you say which raises alarm bells, but if it continues for a couple of weeks, have a GP check up.

11-07-13, 19:31
Today i have peed like once i think this morning but i haven't passed any stools or even passed gas as i find it difficult i have to force like mad just to let out the tiniest fart.
Is this anything to be worried about? i was going to make a doctors appointment but my mum said i'm over reacting and the doctor will just laugh at me..
I dont see how I can be constipated with stomach pain when my diet is actually quite high in fibre.
Am I over reacting?

11-07-13, 19:46
That sounds really like a bug to me. I've heard it's common for them to trap air in your system; not sure why, maybe inflammation. But I've certainly had ones like that. Ibs...well my experience of it was very different and far more painful. It's certainly possible, but the problems would have to become a chronic thing before docs would diagnose it. It's nothing to really worry about anyway afaik; just highly annoying.

11-07-13, 20:07
That's what I thought at first, but I'm not feeling sick nor is my poo runny.
As that's what Dr Google is telling me what a stomach bug/flu is.
And considering I haven't wee'd today, maybe 3 times would mean I'm seriously dehydrated? but when I check on the weighing scales my water % is 58.4 which I think is in my normal range anyway.

15-07-13, 00:19
Hi guys pretty much a week on and having tried every home remedy there is from drinking olive oil to carrot & milk drink I still have had no luck in clearing my system.
I am going to the toilet but 75% of the time it's forcefully and not much, the discomfort pain is still there.

15-07-13, 00:21
Why don't you get some Movicol?

15-07-13, 00:25
Never heard of it, but I think I will after reading the reviews on it.
Do you think it's worth making a Dr appointment or is it one of those things like heartburn?

15-07-13, 00:27
The doctor may suggest Movicol and/or a diet change but there is no harm in asking them

15-07-13, 00:35
Okay, guess I'll ring and ask and if they want to see me they can :)
BTW how are you guys getting to sleep in this heat!! I can't even breathe in my bedroom it's so hot.

15-07-13, 00:40
I have a fan on in the bedroom and pointing at me - lovely

15-07-13, 00:41
Same! It's about 15cm away from my face lol, pretty sure it's blowing out hot air.

15-07-13, 01:05
Yeah they tend to re-circulate hot air lol