View Full Version : New Today ... Hello

10-07-13, 09:04
Hi everyone
I am new here today
I simply googled forums as I really feel I am not going to come out the other side of this anymore without support and it seems only people who know how anxiety and panic feels really understands, so here I am.
I do want to support other people as much as I receive support as for me I think that will help to know im helping others. Just feel like I need a safe place to talk where I wont be judged, told what to do or thought that I am being silly .

I am on my PC all day and really need this to focus my mind

Hope everyone has a great day


10-07-13, 09:19
Hi Diamond, good to meet you. :) :welcome:

I haven't been here very long myself, I've always been anxious but have 'coped' until recently when issues at work have left me off sick and on Prozac for the first time ever (I'm almost 53).

Everyone here is friendly and non-judgmental, rest assured. Hope to see more of you as time goes by. :)

10-07-13, 23:17
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

11-07-13, 10:47
Hello and welcome
well sounds like you have come to the right place. Hope you find it as helpful as I have.