View Full Version : Help Please - The Worst Anxiety Ever !!!

10-07-13, 12:56
Hi Everybody

Here's my story, 3 months ago I took a hair loss drug/medication which I did'nt realise at the time can caused depression. I stopped the medication and now my anxiety is through the roof.

Thing is, I dont feel depressed, just very anxious. Its has caused me to stay indoors all the time, I do not want to go out, I have insomnia too caused by the same medication. Please could somebody suggest what might help with my anxiety and insomnia?

Does exercise help people?

I'm taking Tamazepam for sleep but the affects are wearing off and its starting to not really work for me.

Please help me.

10-07-13, 13:00
I think almost anybody would be helped by exercise. Like you, I have had extreme anxiety but without depression. I've been walking for miles most days, and I always feel better for it. Is it possible for you to even go into the garden? Is there any way at all you could picture leaving the house for some exercise? (Don't think about that if it makes you feel more anxious). Could anybody take you somewhere by car, or can't you do that either?

I guess the main thing is not to give up hope. Stick around on here and read how other people are doing, get involved maybe in encouraging them a bit too. We all help each other...


10-07-13, 13:06
I think almost anybody would be helped by exercise. Like you, I have had extreme anxiety but without depression. I've been walking for miles most days, and I always feel better for it. Is it possible for you to even go into the garden? Is there any way at all you could picture leaving the house for some exercise? (Don't think about that if it makes you feel more anxious). Could anybody take you somewhere by car, or can't you do that either?

I guess the main thing is not to give up hope. Stick around on here and read how other people are doing, get involved maybe in encouraging them a bit too. We all help each other...


Hi Speranza

I may try to get myself out for a run later on today if I can build up the motivation and courage as I dont have a garden and I feel running instead of walking means I dont have to stop to talk with anybody if I can help it.

The run will only last me 10-15 minutes though then i'm back indoors on my own.

I'm so scared of feeling this way. I've never known this feeling before and I dont have any family or partner.

Any other suggestions or advice please?

10-07-13, 14:29
I go out for about 3 hrs per day.every day walking and people watching which helps..i like you had BAD insomnia for months and it was making may illness worse.But since iv been on olanzipine 5mg at night i sleep around 7-8 hrs..and feel so much better.also im on trazadone at bedtime which actually makes me very tired withing 10 min.and the olanzipine keeps me in a good sleep

10-07-13, 15:38
I go out for about 3 hrs per day.every day walking and people watching which helps..i like you had BAD insomnia for months and it was making may illness worse.But since iv been on olanzipine 5mg at night i sleep around 7-8 hrs..and feel so much better.also im on trazadone at bedtime which actually makes me very tired withing 10 min.and the olanzipine keeps me in a good sleep

Hi Greg

Thanks for your reply.

I'm really looking at one particular medication type that might help with my insomnia instead of say 3 if that makes sense. I tried Tamazepam but the effects have worn off now and it does'nt really help at all.

Which would you suggest?

Or would anybody else like to suggest some other options for my anxiety and not sleeping?