View Full Version : Harm OCD

Charlotte cosier
10-07-13, 15:01
Having a bad day :(

11-07-13, 00:19
sorry to hear that charlotte, anything triggering it particularly? hope today was better

Charlotte cosier
11-07-13, 07:54
Mainly stress :(

11-07-13, 23:17
Hey Charlotte, so sorry to hear that you have been suffering of late- I can see above you have said stress and I know this is a trigger for me. Any type of stress or feeling overwhelmed can trigger worries and bad thoughts for me. I know I won't act on them but nonetheless it's not pleasant. I distract myself and I still use calm.com what we talked about before. I know everyone says it but for me it's also acceptance just like ok thoughts in you come and then I move on again. I'm starting CBT next week and hoping this helps- have you accessed this now? Also did you purchase any books or anything as I know you mentioned this before?

Big hugs hun I know you are strong and can get through this :hugs:


Charlotte cosier
11-07-13, 23:24
Hi yh CBT is helping. I have just ordered a book off amazon I'm now waiting for it to arrive. I heard from other people that books r good. I hope CBT works for u it is good. And I know u can get through this as well
Big hugs xx

11-07-13, 23:27
Brain lock is a good book

Charlotte cosier
11-07-13, 23:37
Thank u will get a copy of that x