View Full Version : IBC worries...still!

10-07-13, 16:53
It's been 6 weeks now since the two pimple like dots appeared on my left breast. One had a head so I popped it and blood and pus came out. Since then it's been a red mark, not sure if its a scar or not, but it is not going away.

The other spot I tried to pop without success and now i have a bruise and broken blood vessels.

I went to the doctor and he didn't know really what it was but gave me some cream a week ago. I have noticed no change in them.

I know hydrocrotisone wouldn't make scars go away, but every time I google "red spot on breast for 6 weeks" Inflammatory Breast Cancer comes up. I am freaking, I cannot concentrate and I am just terrified that this is what the red marks are.

How long do ingrown hair marks or acne scars take to go away? I don't have the other symptoms just the red mark, but on Google a woman had only a red spot and found out she was stage IV. Urgh, I just want my life back :(

10-07-13, 17:17
Are they not Cherry Angioma? I have those and doc said they are completely normal. Also I had a scar on my chest from where id picked a spot and it took months to go. Im talking 4 - 6 months! I still have a tiny crater where it was anf it was at least 3 years ago.

10-07-13, 17:24
Thank you for the reply.

No, these aren't cherry angiomas. I know what those are. These appeared as a pimple or an ingrown hair, but the redness is not fading. :(

10-07-13, 21:09
I went to a doc twice when I had a blister-like thing the size of a dime on my right breast. it was red all around and when pressed released pus (which she said is a good thing for NOT being IBC). in fact the first thing she told me when she saw my face is that i did not have IBC. After two weeks I went in again and the redness has healed and there was still a tiny scab right in the center which was healing slower. She said doctors do not ever make promises but in this case she promises it is not IBC, she knows about IBC and has seen it according to her. but of course I continued to worry. When you have HA, sometimes no amount of reassurance helps. Did you specifically ask you doc about your IBC concerns, and what did s/he say? My understanding was that if it is healing in any way, it can't be IBC - since with IBC it only gets worse, and rapidly at that.

As for your last line about the woman who found the red spot and found out that she was at stage 4. Do you have a link for it? There must be additional information to put it into context. Also, on every single reputable medical site I had read - none of them mention pimples and blisters on skin as being IBC. Redness is a symptom, but not just a small spot, it should be on at least 1/3 of the breast, orange peel, inverted nipples, enlargement etc. If your pimple had pus that is a good thing and points to a simple skin infection. Also, by 6 weeks there should be some progression. And to repeat, from everything that I had read about IBC, it is progressively worse, it does not heal first, and then get worse.