View Full Version : Well Done mikejames!

10-07-13, 19:27
As some of you may know, mikejames has had a really tough couple of months going for numerous fruitless interviews, which with anxiety and panic is a major achievement in itself. He has been so determined to succeed and this run of bad luck left him feeling very low despite his enthusiasm and courage.

So, he made a very courageous decision to start his own accountancy business.....wow, what an inspiration!!

Since Monday, Mike has set up his business account and managed to secure 2 contracts of work....that is such a fantastic achievement in less than 3 days!! A massive CONGRATULATIONS to you Mike :yesyes: I hope this is the first of many for you and your new venture.

He has been working so hard despite his anxiety and taken himself way out of his comfort zone. I would just like to say that he is an absolute star, an inspiration, a fantastic support buddy and great friend.

Well done Mike and you CAN do this (despite your reservations! :winks:)

Big hugs and lots of love sweetie!! :bighug1: xxxxxxx:yahoo:

10-07-13, 19:34
CONGRATULATIONS Mikejames Wish you all the best:)

10-07-13, 19:39
WOW!! What a wonderful inspiration to me as I wait to get sacked/made redundant! Onwards and upwards... :yesyes:

10-07-13, 19:47
Well done Mike :yahoo:

10-07-13, 20:28
:yahoo:Well half the reason I have done half of this is because of kittikat who is a major bad influence on me ......honestly that woman could drink anyone under the table including me .....................JOKING my love and thank you for that I am just trying to do the best I can and looking good and feeling good !!!!!!!!!!

Kittikat is an angel and I think the world of her and we are partners in crime these days ..............get another tattoo woman and I will hwords but she is supportive / understanding and a rock when you ring her shaking with terror .... .................words don't matter hun we do though xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:bighug1: