View Full Version : New to this HA thing...

10-07-13, 20:54
Hello everyone.
I am fairly new to this HA thing. Although I don't have much to compare to, I would say I have this pretty severely. I am 27 and a mother, and all of my fears stem from neurological disorders (which it appears a number of other people on here have as well). This all started with a 4 month string of nausea that began in Feb of 2012, and all other symptoms have just sort of popped up after that. My biggest complaint is CONSTANT (when I say constant I mean just about every waking moment of my life) feelings of air hunger, like that wonderful, glorious, satisfying breath is constantly eluding me. Also,I have a painful chest and ribcage all the time. It scares me to death.

More recently, I have developed muscle pain, sporadic, body-wide muscle twitching and a tremor. I understand that these can all be symptoms of anxiety. But I just can't shake the thought that I have some crazy neurological disorder that will be the end of me!:scared15:

I have seen countless specialists (Pulomonologist, Nephrologist, GI, Phsyiatrist, Ortho, Neuro for an emg) and countless visits to my GP (who is a lovely, lovely woman. NP who use to work solely as a Psychiatric NP, and has been nothing but wonderful to me). The only thing that they have ever found was slight carpal tunnel and some disc changes in my neck, which no one believe has anything to do with anything.

Anyway, I was just wanting to introduce myself, and see if anyone's physical anxiety symptoms (like mine mentioned above) presented in a more chronic fashion, with little, if any break?

10-07-13, 21:01
Hi and welcome :) Trust me your find loads and loads of support here... I cant thank this website enough...

Years ago I had chest and ribcage pain and got diagnosed with costochondritis so maybe that? I know its not easy to breathe on that,

NEIL xxx

10-07-13, 21:03
Thanks Neil!

That was one of the suggestions made by "Dr. Google", obviously it was one of the more benign so I immediately shunned this as the least possible conclusion, favoring instead to think that I have a paralyzed diaphragm, due to MND.

10-07-13, 21:11
im sure you can ask all the members of this site and we all used to pick dr google over our own doctor LOL me especially,

Costo can be painful, I thought I was having a heart attack.

NEIL xxx

10-07-13, 21:14
I think the worst part is being told your "fine" went you don't feel fine. Although I suppose anxiety isn't fine. I just want to go back to not worrying about it.

10-07-13, 21:17
Yeah me to, im not much older than you (30) and I remember the days when I thought, if I get ill no matter what it is, they can treat it because I go to the drs often... we'll get them days back soon, trust me :)

NEIL xxx

10-07-13, 21:21
I really, truly hope so. How long have you been dealing with anxiety?

10-07-13, 21:32
Panic attacks run in my family, but I went to a psychotherapist when I was 8 for anger which they put down to anxiety for my dad and my mum splitting, then I had HA when my eldest was born when I was 23, my partner at the time left me when I was 25 and I had it then, but it came back most recently when I was laying in bed and the whole of my left abdomen tightened up, causing incredible pain, and I googled it, bowel cancer liver cancer you name it, turned out a pulled muscle which the other muscle were over compensating for, but since anxiety symptoms have crept in thanks to google and now im shifting it little by little instead of trying to deal with it all at once, not easy but do-able

NEIL xxx

12-07-13, 23:41
Hi Gurso

sorry you've been havin a rough time. I can relate to some of your symptoms - I get tremory hands- and my left arm is particularly bad- I also get sore shoulders. I get pins and needles and muscle jerks too

originally my dr insisted it was all anxiety - but i had a ct scan bout 6 months ago - ok and now she has sent me for a nerver test on my arm to see if there are any trapped nerves.

I started taking sertraline about 9 weeks ago- annoyingly some of the side-effects are trembling/numbness etc - so it is so confusing.

I am so sick of symptoms and worrying- you are not alone

best wishes, cct x

13-07-13, 00:07
Hi, yes - my breakthrough was reading up on hyperventilation, realising it wasn't going to kill me, and that breathing exercises would help. There are some excellent books on Amazon.