View Full Version : Chest pains. Heart disease?

10-07-13, 21:08
Hi everyone,
Now we all been through this. And ive posted about this before.
But im in agony. I have pains in my chest, middle back and down both arms.
Im so worried.
My dad died of heart failure. I feel on the edge of an attack.
What should i do?

10-07-13, 21:33
Call 999 if it is that bad but when I had my heart attack I didn't feel like logging on and posting here !

Only you can make that decision.

10-07-13, 21:45
Are you tensing up? I get the same thing if I tense my shoulders. My arms can go pins and needles and all sorts.

10-07-13, 22:42
I think you should phone nhs 24 for advice.
If your pain is extreme I would consider phoning 999.

Anxiety attacks can cause this too. But better to be safe :)
Hope your feeling better soon!

10-07-13, 23:10
The nhs advice sounds like a good idea in this sort of situation. If you've had a heart work up then it's very unlikely to be a heart attack, and me and my mom have both had bad radiating chest pains at times that apparently weren't heart attacks, but a nurse would know best if you should go in somewhere.

10-07-13, 23:18
If you call NHS direct with chest pain they will call an ambulance anyway as they cannot take the chance