View Full Version : Hello, I'm also new here

10-07-13, 21:14

I've been advised to join this website by my GP and some others and I can't tell you how amazing it is to read about other people who are going through the same thing I am.

I've had anxiety for the last 5 years (i'm 25), but only really been diagnosed for 18 months, before that I was 100% sure I was going mad or had some horrible disease.

I would like to know how people cope on a day-to-day basis; there hasn't been a day gone by in the last few years where I haven't thought about being ill, or felt some form of anxiety and i'm so tired of it.

My general symtoms are depersonalisation, dizzyness, seeing flashing lights etc as well as full on panic attacks. I also constantly think I have a brain turmour, cancer or some other horrible disease.

I'm sorry to write such a long message and moan, but I can't beleive i've found other people who are going through a similar thing


10-07-13, 21:27
Hello & :welcome:
I have been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks off & on now for over two years. Some days are worse than others. The doctor currently has me on Lexopro & Xanax which seems to help a little bit. I cope with I keep telling myself that it is just anxiety and it can not hurt me. I just take day by day, that is all you can do. Also this sight and the people on here has helped me also. You are not alone in this.

10-07-13, 21:32
You have to deal with your fears to overcome anxiety.