View Full Version : Not coping at all

10-07-13, 21:14
Hi , I don't know if any body can help , I'm falling apart at the seams , lost my business last year , can't find a job anywhere , struggling to eat , sleep , I've got so much time for my brain to analyse everything , and to top it all off my 15 year old daughter has been dumped by her 1st boyfriend after 7 months . My baby is broken hearted and I can feel every pain with her . I can't help her & her friends seem to have abandoned her . How can I help her if I can't cope , my world is falling apart . She is my world , I want to scoop her up and runaway with her away from all the heartache . But I know the heart break will still be there . I have 2 older boys that are doing great , I've never mollycoddled any of them .
So I don't know why it's hurting so much . Sometimes I can hardly breathe , her pain is unbearable for her and I can't help . I'm totally helpless . She cries & I can't pull myself together to help her. I'm already on anti depressants and anxiety pills and for years have been doing ok , living a kind of normal life . I can't let my daughter see how bad I'm coping with her hurt. We have a very close relationship and she tells me everything , so I think if she sees me in a state she might stop talking to me . I love her with all my heart , my whole body is hurting . I didn't know it was possible to love someone as much as I do. I need my baby ,

10-07-13, 21:19
Hello Kalex,

I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this. I have a 9 year old daughter that I love more than anything and could not imagine what I would do if she was hurting like that. I think it is helpful to remember that she is young, and resilient, and will bounce back. Try to remember that. It hurts her right now, but she will survive, and so will you.

10-07-13, 21:23
Emotions and pain is so much more exaggerated when we are teenagers..
She will be fine, just be there for her, as you are already doing..it will pass..
It's just life experience, to know true happiness we have to experience sadness...it's just life's lessons..
Do some girlie things together, I'm sure that will help and distract her.

11-07-13, 10:19
Thanks for the kind words it is hugely appreciated. I am trying to get myself back together. Hopefully my daughter will feel better soon as well. I remember my 1st broken heart and feeling desperate . I didn't have anyone I could talk to then & I think that's why I'm finding it so hard to deal with her pain . She won't ever be alone with no one to turn to. I will always be by her side ( even when she does t want me) lol.
I managed to get a hold of her cousin last night so she could talk to someone her own age .