View Full Version : Hi I'm new

10-07-13, 22:05
My name is Kelly and I have self diagnosed my anxiety disorder. I also suffer greatly with health anxiety after having undetected cancer for 5 months with a terrible, terrible gp. It meant I had to have invasive treatment at 17 yrs old, (15 yrs remission this yr!) and consequently have suffered many health problems over the years from treatments.

I have a mild form of chronic fatigue, which may or may not have triggered the anxiety, or vice versa! I suffer IBS and chronic indigestion. I have headaches, chest pain (worse symptom) leg pains, I have changed in personality over the last few months, I am very withdrawn and have become scared in social situations and hate having to small talk with new people I don't even wish to know. I hate this me, I have tried self help books, relaxation etc, then just get myself all wrapped up in something new to set me off again. A viscious cycle... I wake up (if I did manage to sleep) with a fresh new perspective, with my thoughts under control, then I get another new frightening symptom and worry all day I have an undiagnosed condition... arrgghhh

I have been put forward for counselling, but have to wait 4 months on the welsh NHS.

I really need a solid way of controlling my thoughts, I feel like I am about to have a breakdown. I have become addicted to exercise as its the only way I can stop worrying!

10-07-13, 23:20
Hi Kelly. I'm sure you'll be glad you joined.

There's plenty of advice and support here.

You're not alone.

All the best.