View Full Version : Harm OCD making my life a misery :(

Charlotte cosier
10-07-13, 22:10
Only have 3 more sessions of CBT therapy left and only had 3 but I'm not sure that's gonna b enough for me I'm really struggling tonight. Just want this all this harm OCD to go away its making my life a misery. I can't watch the news. I can't watch violent films/movies. And can't b in stressful situations. Y do we get these intrusive thoughts y do we even get. OCD I don't understand how I've not had it from being a little girl. Y has come to me in my adult life? Can some pleas give me some answers

10-07-13, 22:23
The thoughts only have power because your scared of them.
You won't get rid of them until you see them for what they are, false thoughts.
OCD can occur at any age.

Charlotte cosier
10-07-13, 22:25
Thank u