View Full Version : Do you recognise these symptoms ?

10-07-13, 22:27
Hello I was wondering if someone recognises these symptoms and "moments".

About 4 months ago I was sat on the sofa watching pirates of the carribean and on the internet, next thing I know I feel like I have come out of a daze, cannot breathe, hear myself saying breathe then going very hot and feeling like my heart is beating real fast and coming out of my chest, I can hear it and it is so loud. I stand up and almost pass out, feel like I am having a heart attack without chest pains. Get to the bathroom and try and poo ( I suffer from IBS and this sometimes helps my symptoms - I get mental symptoms with IBS aswell as physical )

Anyway back to the story this episode was so bad I went to hospital where they ECG'd me and took blood pressure which was very high. Anyway all came back ok and I ended up discharging myself. For about 2-4 weeks later I felt like my breathing was out of sync every now and then or that I was shallow breathing and not taking breath in properly. I was anxious and on edge. This subsided after awhile and I just had my IBS symptoms

Fast forward to April - my Nan who bought me up dies quite suddenly. When I get back from the funeral in May my wife and I after 10 years decide to split up and then 1 week later I have to put one of my cats to sleep. I binge drink and do use alcohol to deal with some situations and have been drinking more than I shoudl recently but normally just friday/saturday/sunday

Anyway about 3 weeks ago I am on the sofa again and I get the adrenaline rush feeling - oh no here we go - my mind straight away thinks this has happened before just ride through it - I try with some very small success bit here come the next rushes - heart beats fast, sweating, need toilet, anxious, feel like I am dying etc. However because I went throough this before I am able to not get quite so bad as to almost pass out as I am just saying in my head you know what this is it will subside in time.

Since then again I am totally on edge, anxious, a noise makes me jump, my breathing often feels shallow - almost to the point sometimes I feel I have stopped breathing and then I notice and panic briefly. My chest feels tight sometimes like I cannot take a full breath but IBS symptoms can sometimes be like this. If part of my body twitches I get panicky about it and think somethings wrong.

Anyway I have been to the docs and she has prescribed Citralopam. 20 mg of. I have looked this up - its for major depression. I don't have major depression. I understand it also treats panic disorder and anxiety but hundreds of posts online say it reacts badly with alcohol and I am unlikely to cut that out entirely. 20mg is quite a big dose aswell so I am not really wanting to take it - especially as for the first 2-3 weeks you can feel far worse. I do find using alcohol takes all my anxst away until the next day lol

Does anyone else recognise these symptoms or have been though a similar situation ?

10-07-13, 22:48
Hi. Your symptoms sounds like you are suffering from anxiety/panic attacks. They can be really intense and with all the stress you have been through it will make them worse.

Citalopram is for depression and anxiety. I take it for both. 20mg is a medium dose.
Dont worry about feelig worse to begin with. Better in the long run :)
As for alcohol... I wouldnt recommend it. Alcohol will feel like a quick fix but will also make you worse.


10-07-13, 23:14
Yes I do recognize them except for the ibs.Apparrently its panic and anxiety.Its sound s very similar to what I have had for nearly 2 months.The breathing is very difficult to deal with especially when it seems as though you stop breathing.You are not alone.I obviously breath at night when I sleep so its just being freaked out by those attacks that has got me and probably you focused on it.So if there is nothing else besides the ibs that you have, then its panic and anxiety attacks.

---------- Post added at 23:14 ---------- Previous post was at 23:08 ----------

I agree with Geester about the alcohol.I have a friend on the same meds as you and when he drinks.uh uh..not a good combo.

11-07-13, 00:13
thanks for your answers

gregoryd - yes I notice the breathing alot now and it does fell like I have stopped breathing.

I am unlikely to cut out alcohol so may go back to the docs and get a different ssri as I had them before around 10 years ago when I used to drink everyday and was fine - its this particular ones that seem to react with alcohol in a bad way according to lots of forums etc. People have had half what hey normally would and have blacked out and not remebered getting home etc etc

---------- Post added at 00:13 ---------- Previous post was at 00:08 ----------

is anxiety etc just a chemical imbalance in the brain ? If so is it not possible to re-align those chemicals with diet, exercise and vit supplements rather than bloody meds all the time ?

11-07-13, 00:16
Reducing alcohol goes a long way to rebalancing chemicals through diet...

11-07-13, 04:08

When you get this sudden onset of symptoms, do you feel like you've suddenly become drunk or dizzy, do you sweat, heart runs faster, trembling and feel weak like you've not eaten?

With your alcohol intake you could be having hypoglycaemic episodes. Hypoglycaemia is when you blood sugar drops which can rapidly bring on these symptoms you have. The onset of a Hypo can happen very quickly, one minute you feel ok the next it's hitting you and you feel dreadful.

Try looking for hypoglycaemia on Google

While I don't wish you to have another attack, the next time it happens, and if you remember, get yourself a sugary drink, tea, coffee with two spoonful's of sugar. Or have a Coke or other soft drink, BUT IT MUST NOT BE A DIET OR NO ADDED SUGAR DRINK!

Give yourself 30 minutes and see if the symptoms subside. Not all the symptoms may be relieved, but try and notice if any get better.

Hypoglycaemia was one of my major problems that brought on panic attacks, though I have recently found out my underlying problem is I have Coeliac disease, of which one of the main symptoms was the Hypos. I was treated for anxiety and panic since 16yo, when the cause all along was the gluten in my diet!

I hope this is of help to you. Please tell me how you get on.

BTW, you mention you have IBS. My doctor suggested that to me also. Try cutting out wheat from you diet, or take a test for Coeliac disease (or as it's spelt in the US "Celiac"). Here in the UK a test can be bought from the local pharmacy for about 20UKPounds.

I strongly believe Coeliac disease runs through the male side of my family. My father was one of 4 boys. 2 of his brothers had problems with alcohol and the third developed epilepsy in later life (of which there is considered to be a link). There doesn't appear to be a scientific link between coeliac and alcohol problems, however from what I've read of personal experiences on the net, people feel there is a possible link with it.

Coeliac disease is an auto-immune disease whereby you body attacks your gut when you've eaten gluten which can be found in Wheat, Barley and Rye. See the barley link with alcohol? Especially if you are a beer or whisky drinker!

I know it's my little hobby horse, but it is believed to be undiagnosed in a lot of people.

If you take a test and it comes back negative, it doesn't mean that gluten can be ruled out. You can be gluten intolerant without coeliac disease. If you get a negative test, try cutting wheat from you diet, but don't stop eating wheat before you take a test as you will get a false negative as the test looks for antibodies in your blood and if you're not producing them cos you're not eating wheat it will show as negative.

I've been off wheat for 2 years now and I have had 1 small panic attack in that time and no anxiety or breathlessness!! I would say I'm cured!

Hope this helps you.

11-07-13, 08:02
I am not 'allergic' but I have found over the years that I feel so much better when I strictly limit my wheat intake. I believe there is a lot of research into why as a species we don't tolerate it that well.

11-07-13, 08:39
Hi, you say you are unlikely to be able to cut out alcohol. What makes you think this? Have you tried to cut down? I know it may be difficult to cut it out entirely, but if to manage to cut down on your intake it should help you. I think with the right support, you'll be able to cut down - ask your doctor for advice and what help is available. In the long term,alcohol can make anxiety worse, so its in your best interest to try to cut down.

I'm on cit 20mg myself and I find it helpful. It does sound like a big dose to start on, so its probably best to start on 10mg for the first few days until you get used to it. :)

11-07-13, 10:14
I am not an alcoholic as such - I do not drink Mon-Thur but I do drink 40-60 units a weekend as I socialise with friends and play hockey for 6 months of the year which involves games and then sessions in the bar :D

And yes deo nothing else bar IBS as far as I know. I am waiting for the doc to ring back, am going to ask either for a reduced dose of cit or a different ssri that doesn't react so badly with alcohol. I am going to take it easy over the coming month aswell and not drink as much

11-07-13, 10:47
Panic & anxiety - that's what this is:winks:

11-07-13, 12:04
Yes I do recognize them except for the ibs.Apparrently its panic and anxiety.Its sound s very similar to what I have had for nearly 2 months.The breathing is very difficult to deal with especially when it seems as though you stop breathing.You are not alone.I obviously breath at night when I sleep so its just being freaked out by those attacks that has got me and probably you focused on it.So if there is nothing else besides the ibs that you have, then its panic and anxiety attacks.

---------- Post added at 23:14 ---------- Previous post was at 23:08 ----------

I agree with Geester about the alcohol.I have a friend on the same meds as you and when he drinks.uh uh..not a good combo.

I have been prescribed the 10mg instead. Might try these - although I really would prefer to sort this out without being thrown meds straight away

11-07-13, 12:07
When I first started getting the symptoms I didn't have a clue why or what was going on, but I was only 13 at the time and I didn't know what 'anxiety' meant. Now I know what my symptoms are about, but even I still get worried when I get a new symptoms.

purple to black
11-07-13, 12:15
Have you ever considered that alcohol is what maybe started the panic/anxiety? Its what kicked started mine, albeit there were probably underlying issues. I stopped drinking and refused to take meds (mostly due to a fear of meds) and I tried to get myself better with knowledge and determination. Other than a few things im still not totally confident about doing myself, im getting there and ive gone from being a quivering wreck, scared to even go out my front door to being able to drive short distances by myself and can deal with the anxiety symptoms a whole lot better. I just need to work on the HA side now.

I hope you start to feel better soon : )

11-07-13, 13:35
definitely considered that purple as my alcohol intake has imcreased in the last 6 months. I generally get through 40-60 units between Thursday / Friday and Sunday - no spirits just pints of lager, I do not drink Monday to Thursday most weeks

11-07-13, 14:46
That's a hell of a lot of alcohol! A daily limit is between 4-6 units, so you're consuming about three to four times that amount. And it doesn't matter whether that's wine, spirits, beer or lager, alcohol is alcohol and can ruin your body if drank to excess. You really should consider cutting down the drink.

11-07-13, 15:43
Def. anxiety. I dont know anything about IBS. But I do know that huge intakes in alcohol can cause anxiety/panic attacks the next day and it becomes a catch 22 problem because you have a drink to relive the anxiety ....and start all over again.

You seem to have gone through some very tough times so it is not surprising that you are now suffering from anxiety....be kind to yourself x


purple to black
11-07-13, 16:05
Definitely be kind to yourself and the kindest thing you can at the moment is decrease or stop the alcohol intake. Its worth a shot just to see how you feel.

Take care : )

11-07-13, 23:57
I've been there and I've been on Citalopram, too. I was like this for many, many years (and still like it now, at times) and ended shedding a bucket load of weight because I was sure I had a heart attack, like you, I didnt.
I personally didn't get on with citalopram, I woke up a lot of nights with a racing heart, sweaty and tingly feelings all over my body. You may be different, but I personally would say relaxation would really benefit you. My Dad has anxiety and swears by St John's Wort,he's led me down the same path and so far, it seems to be helping me, too. get advice before starting St John's Wort though if you do decide to use it as it can cause liver problems.

Good luck!


12-07-13, 08:04
I knew that movie was bad.... but not that bad.

12-07-13, 08:54
I hope you are able to sort it out without meds.I managed for 3 weeks but could not sleep because of the breathing thing and because the attacks occured while I was sleeping.I think I was afraid to sleep because waking up from a panic attack was the worst thing I ever experienced.Felt like I was dying.Had no physical strength,muscles in my arms had all go tense.Been robbed at gun point in South Africa.The guy even had the nercve to put the gun in my mouth.Broke my leg twice.Dislocated my arms 6 times,sailed in rough seas Behind hurricane Katrina,seen all sorts of violence and armed gun battles in SA.But nothing freaked me out like the panic attack.Pulling for you mate.

12-07-13, 16:48
Thanks for all your responses. Has anyone tried acupuncture, my friend has had it for severe depression and its worked wonders on him

14-07-13, 10:17
40 - 60 units a weekend is pretty hefty binge-drinking and not great for your liver. It does count as alcohol misuse. That's your call of course, but you aren't going to regulate 'chemicals in your diet' if you are ingesting that amount of alcohol every week. I'm sure you know that really. It's just sabotaging the meds really. Again, your call. Here's a good site for information: http://www.brighteyecounselling.co.uk/Aboutus.html