View Full Version : The flies are driving me crazy!

10-07-13, 23:28
This sounds mad, and I'm just needing to get this off my chest.
I live near a recycling plant, a tip, MacDonalds, a pub and Morrisons so no wonder we have flies. I'm totally obsessing over it though, my house is clean and tidy but i'm swarmed with flies. I can't sit and watch TV because they land on you and if you have a brew they go on your cup so you have to put a lid on the top all the time.
I hate the little critters so much it's sending my stress levels through the roof and I'm choking my poor family with fly spray every 5 minutes. I've scrubbed everywhere, every day I'm on my hands and knees making sure everything is so clean. It's upsetting me so much that my anxiety is increasing loads. This is one reason why I hate the summer.

10-07-13, 23:30
We have them here in the house cos I have the back door open all the time.

Try some citronella candles (but leave them outside the door and do not use inside)

11-07-13, 04:16
Well simple answer, close your doors and windows - problem solved.

Or, if you can still get them, fit one of those plastic or chain "thingies" that go over the door so you can walk in and out but it stops the flies getting in.

I was listening to the radio the other early morning giving tips on how to stay cool in the hot weather - close your doors and windows and close the curtains. Opening the doors and windows lets the hot outside air in! Closing your curtains stops the sun beating down into your room!

Also, buy yourself an electric fan! Or if you need air in the house, why not open you windows and doors late evening to let the air in and keep your windows open at night, no flies at that time of the day!

Outcome - cooler rooms and better sleep.

11-07-13, 08:00
Basil plants near the doors. Don't use fly spray, it is very toxic to humans. Made my Mum very ill.

I have learned to cope by imagining them dressed as tiny cheerleaders and all blowing kazoos. Seriously! I use humour a lot. I have to!

This IS a mental health forum, right?!? :whistles:

---------- Post added at 08:00 ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 ----------

Oh and DON'T worry about the fly spray! My Mum is the only person I have ever known who was made ill by it!! But it is toxic!

11-07-13, 08:27
Thanks guys. I will try all those suggestions. I just think of them landing on poo and stuff and ewww doesn't bear thinking about. Anyone ever used fly papers?
Why can't they just go in someone else's house, my sister lives a few doors up I will send them there!