View Full Version : My Anxiety/panic attack - New puppy

11-07-13, 01:35
I am so embarrassed to even say this because I was the one who pushed for a new puppy. We just rescued this sweet little puppy and I have been wanting a dog for so long. I would constantly ask my husband when we could get one...so we finally get one and I end up having panic attacks which I have never had and I have NO IDEA how to cope with. Its only been three days but all I can think about is the loss of my freedom and how am I going to train her and on and on and on........

They only start at night - starts with a tight stomach and a tight chest, crying and sometimes hyperventilating.

What do I do? how do I handle this? I don't even know any techniques for taking care of this....OMG

please help me....

11-07-13, 12:13

You've taken on a new responsibility and the worrying part of the mind has been activated and is obviously a little sensitive. So now it's predicting scenarios and 'what ifs', basically it's worrying about how this will affect you and will throw up lots of reasons why it's a bad idea.

Ironically that part of the mind is actually trying to protect you. It's predicting future bad situations so that you can prepare for them. In anxiety this predictive/protective function is in overdrive mode so everything is felt much stronger and with a stronger emotive response.

So just relax. KNOW that the worry and anxiety is just the mind being overactive in its quest to protect you. When you start to relax the mind will rememebr why it wanted the puppy in the first place and soon you'll start to enjoy the experience.

You can learn some breathing techniques and I would always recommend Claire Weekes for anxiety itself.

12-07-13, 03:08
Thank you so much for this post. I am on Day 5 with the new puppy and tonight is the best night so far. Still facing my anxiety, my chest is tight my heart is racing and I am afraid to go to bed for fear my mind will have be spinning.

I know that like your quote says the best antidote to fear is the truth - I am trying to be truthful about myself because obviously this dog is not the underlying issue.

I really just hope it goes away because I dont know what else to do....

Thanks again

12-07-13, 09:30
Perhaps when your mind races ahead, you can discipline yourself to focus on NOW. 'The puppy is fine NOW', you can tell yourself. INterestingly, when I was little and had so many phobias I don't even remember them all, I decided (at 10) to 'deal with them' and for some reason I picked the analogy of a naughty puppy. When I was terrified, I would mentally pick up my fear by the scruff of the neck and stare it out. It worked! You could use your puppy as a reminder that you are in control of all your worries.

I do empathise. We got two rescue cats 18 years ago (I still have one of them!) and because their mother was ill, they unexpectedly gave us the kittens at 6 weeks old. I stayed awake for hours that night thinking, "What have I done? They're a different species! I don't have the instincts to cope!"

As all pet owners will know, the animals get you trained up to be a good owner pretty quickly. Enjoy your puppy. What name did you pick? x

12-07-13, 10:35
I know just how you feel as I was the same when I got my new kitten last December. I was the one who wanted him and was so excited to go and get him. As soon as I got him home I panicked. I already have another cat so it is not like I didn't know what to do. I think it was the fact that he was another responsibility and I doubted myself on how well I would look after him. This panic continued for a few weeks and then I settled down again. I don't know what I would do without him now. He is my constant companion. My 2 cats get on well together and I really spoil them :)

16-12-13, 03:41
I realize this is an old post but just found it via google search ! I have just become the owner of a beautiful 11 week old puppy and whilst it is exciiting it is incredibly stressful, esp if you are prone to anxiety. I have taken great comfort in the words from others on the board. I know everyone says the sorts of things being mentioned (give it time, it will get better etc) but it has far more meaning to it coming from people on a board like this who GET that anxiety is something we deal with on (often) a daily basis. I was esp interested in the comment that anxiety sufferers often like routine and, an 11 week old puppy has a way of sort of taking that away from you and taking over in these early days ! I am trying to take it day by day and realize that it is an adjustment for both of us. That's not to say I am not rattled by it and consider contacting the breeder to see if he can go back to her, but I know I need to give both of us a chance .. I think one of the hardest parts is that, for many of us, not sleeping just makes anxiety and depression a thousand times worse and the reality is most puppies take time to settle into a good sleeping routine !