View Full Version : Worriers read this

11-07-13, 09:02
Watch the Horizon documentary on iplayer if you can, it proves that with COgnitive training and mindfulness we can reduce the amount of right sided brain activity. Read the article below for a brief synopsis. At the bottom of it is a link to a test from the team that carried out the research to check you are a pessimist. Once you confirm it... Start investigating mindfulness etc


---------- Post added at 09:02 ---------- Previous post was at 08:45 ----------

The link at the bottom of the article which takes you to the pessimist tests also contains a link to the same brain training they did in the documentary. They suggest you do this for 7weeks alongside mindfulness which you can investigate through any number of avenues a quick google will point you in the right direction.

Keep a note of your initial scores today (I was minus 112) then redo the test at the end of 7weeks. They would like to know the changes.

The Page also goes on to explain the effects of constant negative thinking on mental health and anxiety etc.

12-07-13, 08:12
It's also been uploaded onto YouTube if you search horizon personality Test it comes up for people not in the UK.

The link to the personality tests he did and the training he did for 7weeks is here available for free


12-07-13, 13:03
Thanks for the information Pinktel, i am definitely going to check it out. I had made a note to watch this programme, but unfortunately ended up missing it. This guy, Michael Mosley (i think) has researched and presented several interesting programmes - one being the 5:2 reduced calorie diet.

12-07-13, 18:09
Yes he is respected researcher and was actually very sceptical that this brain training could have results - but the neuroscience is cutting edge and only just being investigated and discovered - he was really surprised by the great results he experienced - no drugs, just training...

12-07-13, 22:16
I have just started reading a book called Mindfulness - Finding peace in a frantic world. It is an 8 week course with a free CD and it's base on Mindfulness CBT. I have only read the theory bit so far and mot started the programme yet but of all the self help books I have read (and believe me there are a lot of them) this one so far has the most appeal to me. I can't wait to get started on it!

13-07-13, 09:55
that sounds good cattia, i may check that out also, I am trying the free 10 day app from andy puddicombe who is the guy on the documentary teaching mindfulness

16-08-13, 21:50
Just an update on thus, I am one month in and genuinely noticing a shift in mental attitude. I look forward to re testing in another month.

25-08-13, 16:34
I have just started reading a book called Mindfulness - Finding peace in a frantic world. It is an 8 week course with a free CD and it's base on Mindfulness CBT. I have only read the theory bit so far and mot started the programme yet but of all the self help books I have read (and believe me there are a lot of them) this one so far has the most appeal to me. I can't wait to get started on it!

I'm doing that 8 week course as well, with the same book and CD. I'm just about to start week 3. I'm finding it really good so far. :) Mindfulness is helping me to be more present in the moment and notice things that I'd never noticed before, as well as making me calmer. For example, I recently noticed some interesting architectural features on a building in the city that I must have walked past thousands of times in my life!

I also do that cognitive bias modification exercise every day (the one where you click on the smiling faces). I've gradually got quicker at it over the weeks. I'm looking forward to re-testing myself soon.

01-09-13, 14:15
It's been 7 weeks, so I've just retested myself. My optimism score improved from 16 to 22 (out of 24), and my cognitive bias result improved from -16 to +150. So it has worked well for me. :)

01-09-13, 14:21
great to hear that you have found something that works.

thanks for sharing with us


01-09-13, 15:46
Good Stuff. Thanks for posting. It not only applies to those suffering from HA but to those who are generally negative thinkers.

One of my favorite quotes is:

"Life is 10% what happens to us, 90% how we handle it." Charles Swindoll

With mental health issues like anxiety, it takes a little more effort to change your way of thinking but it can be done. This article and info shows that issues like HA and depression are physiological as well as psychological and enforces the fact that our minds can affect our physical well being. Just like anything else, you have to truly "want" to change and help yourself. No one can do it for you.

By having the desire and seeking assistance such as CBT, psychotherapy etc. You can take back control of your life.

07-09-13, 15:16
Well i am staggered by the results in only 8 weeks and thank god I decided to do this.

Just retested myself - but to be fair, didn't need to do that to know my mindset has undergone a dramatic shift in only 8 weeks.

My negative bias score changed from 6 out of 24 (negative) to 14 out of 24 (more positive) and on the cognitive bias test I have moved from scoring minus 112 (really negative mindset) to now scoring plus 67.

I can't tell whether the cognitive training I have been doing on the rainybrain sunny brain website has helped (but I have done it religiously every day) or whether it is the mindfulness meditation. But I must say the mindfulness meditation programme from Andy Puddicombe (who featured on the documentary) is very very good indeed. you can download a free 10 day app for it from headspace to see whether you like it or not.

Hope some others on here have made the effort to try this. I am feeling better than i have for years. Planning a little trip away to celebrate (and believe me - i NEVER thought I'd be saying that.)

Good luck everyone, I haven;t been visiting these forums very much as I haven't felt the need - I believe this is all part of the process of being more positive - but I hope everyone is doing well.

---------- Post added at 15:16 ---------- Previous post was at 15:13 ----------

Just saw that you did this sparkle - your results are also very good - god I was really negative on the initial tests compared to you!!!