View Full Version : Having a bad time

10-10-06, 23:12
Hi all

Feeling very sad tonight.:(

Have been having a lot of hassles at work and computers not working and working lots of overtime - 14 hours yesterday! This is why I am not active on here much cos my work is taking over! But it pays the bills - not this site!

Now found out that I am likely to be out of a job next year so more stress and hassle I don't need.

Very down at the moment[Ugh][Sigh...]

No idea what to do - just had too much to cope with and no real options

Finished CBT today,tired and Alex away doesn't help!


10-10-06, 23:17
Awww mate you know I love you to bits, over the past year you have become one of my best mates and I am always here for you.



Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

10-10-06, 23:19
Oh Nicola, hun! Sometimes things creep up on us unexpected, and knock us for six, but your a strong woman, and you are more than capable of overcoming anything that stands in your way.

I have only spoken to you reguarly for the past few weeks, but you are a great girl, and you deserve things to go right.

What you need hun, is some time for yourself. Some time where you can escape your worries.

As for your job, your a very talented person, and you shall have no problems finding future employment if the worst does happen in your cuurent position!

You take care of yourself!


Ross xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Is There Really Gravity, Or Does Earth Just Suck?

10-10-06, 23:20
Oh Nic sorry here about your job and you feeling so down.

((((((((((((((NIC))))))))))))))))) big hug for you.

Mel xxxx

10-10-06, 23:23
Hi Nic, hope you can soon pick up, I know the feeling about working, I have just completed 14 hours at work, back in at 7.30am all to try to pay the bills etc, with raging anxiety on top, its not easy.You have some wonderful friends on MSN hope they can help you pass the time until Alex returns, Take care and chin up,xxxxx


10-10-06, 23:25
oh thanks Trac - I know you are there whatever time, cheers

Ross - I have to work out what to do. life is easy now - could get much harder!


10-10-06, 23:30
Hi Nic sorry to hear your so down,and about the job.Things will pick up again.You have done a brilliant job of this site,and its helped me loads.
(((((((((((BIG HUG)))))))))).Hope you feel better soon.
Take care

Ellen XX

10-10-06, 23:32
Nic sweetheart have a big squeeze

Love Piglet xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

10-10-06, 23:35
Thanks all

Can't stop crying at the moment. I am so drained with work and for us sufferers it is worse!!

Alex is back tomorrow - I can cope without him. I am just feeling sad and tired.

I have no choice but to carry on!


11-10-06, 00:08
Hope things get better for you!


"Be The Change You Want To See In The World"...

Take Care of You,


Sue K with 5
11-10-06, 01:01

I am sorry Your having a crap time as well!! hey we should get the wine out and drown together this week.

Hope things get better and try not to worry about the job, my moto with jobs has always been when one door closes another opens and it is always for the best.

This time next you you could be a millionaire mate



11-10-06, 03:40
((((((HUGS 4 U NIC))))))

I know that everything will work out job wise. You being the smartypants that you are - people will be throwing other jobs your way :)

Hope tomorrow goes better for ya!!!


11-10-06, 06:27
hi nicola,
im sorry to hear you're feeling bad at the moment. i know its hard but try to think positive....it will get better.
twiglet xxx

ps (((BIG HUG)))))

11-10-06, 07:23
Awwww Nic, sorry to hear that things aren't going well for you.

Hope things improve for you very soon :D

Love Kate xxx

"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

11-10-06, 07:39
Hugs for you nic chin up xxxx

Take Care


11-10-06, 10:22
Aww Nic

Sending you a BIG HUG

Try to keep smiling, i know its hard at times !:D



11-10-06, 12:02
Gosh you don't need that much hassle!!!!

AKA Scooter Girl

11-10-06, 13:50
<center>Heck, have an extra big hug from me, mate</center>
<center>You have done so much for each and every one of us

Take Care,

Ray xxx</center>

11-10-06, 15:07

Sorry your down at the moment. Things will work out for the best for you.

Im sending one of my biggest Hugs to a very inspirational lady

You take care of yourself - Thinking of you.


11-10-06, 16:11
Sorry to hear that you are feeling so low Nic. You give so much to others on this site and have been a great friend and support to me.

I hope you are feeling a little better with Alex back today.

Hope too that you are able to sort out the job situation. Maybe something better will come up but I know how difficult it is when given the news like that.

(((HUGS))) mate.

Karen xx

11-10-06, 16:26
Awww thanks guys for all the replies and hugs.[:P]:)

I took today off work as holiday and slept till 3pm!! So I must have needed it.

Feel a bit better now. Just got to sort out the hassles with computers at work - which I know means more late nights and working weekends but not a lot I can do about it.

As for the job - well it is a hard one to know what to do and what I really want to do in the future. I guess none of us like change that is not wanted/planned.:(

I have a mate coming round tonight for a chat and catch-up and so that will be good. Alex will be back at 10pm ish. I called him last night in tears and woke him up so he will love me haha.

Anyway - thanks everyone - much appreciated.



11-10-06, 18:45

11-10-06, 19:02
I'm glad you took some time off Nic. It sounds like you needed to catch up on some sleep.

Hope you have a good evening with your friend.

Do you want to stay in the same kind of work or would you like to do something completely different? This could be the time to start considering what you might like to do.

Karen xx

11-10-06, 20:07
Sorry to hear you are feeling so crap Nic. (Make sure any job losses are in accordance with correct redundancy selection procedures!!! )

Hope you feel better soon ........

Kay x

Granny Primark
11-10-06, 20:35
Hi nic,
Why do we all sometimes take the people we rely on so much for granted? And my god ive relied on this site youve set up for granted so much.. Sometimes i forget that you set up this site cus you were and still are a sufferer from panic and anxiety and want to help others.
I want to send you loads of hugs and just to remind you that just cus you set up this site that there may be times when us the members should be there for you for a change.

Take care

11-10-06, 22:11
sorry to hear you are so down nic. hope you start to feel a bit better soon

if theres anyhtin i can do pm me


11-10-06, 23:31
sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time, remember tomorrow is a bright new day

(((((((((Big Hugs to you))))))))))


11-10-06, 23:42
I am so sad about all the bad feelings on here tonight. Loads of posts about chat cos I have shut it down and I had no choice.

I work all day and run this at night but right now I am ashamed of some of the people and posts on here and if I didn't run it I would run a mile and never come back.

This forum and chat is making me ill and I cannot pass my personal life over to my work life as they don't care.

I am not sure what to do but we can't continue as we are.

Maybe shutting chat will help.


12-10-06, 03:18
Oh crap, didn't see this 'till now. Sorry about the troubles Miss Nic. Sit down and have a good cry and a breather. Keep the things you love the most in your mind and make them reason to keep going another day... Don't worry about the forum and the chat, its a phase that will blow over soon enough. I predict clear skies coming in at any moment now.


If nothing else...I will survive.

To: SSJHSMH-U are light and my heart and strength. I will protect you in this life or the next always.

12-10-06, 05:09
Aww Nic, I am so sorry you came online to read the kinds of posts that have been written tonight. You give up so much of your free time to run this site and also provided a chat room, which from the sound of recent posts has been abused.

It seems to me that a few are ruining what is a very good forum and site and it is a credit to you for starting it and building it to the success it is now - along with other Admins (past and present).

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">This forum and chat is making me ill and I cannot pass my personal life over to my work life as they don't care.
<div align="right">Originally posted by nomorepanic - 11 October 2006 : 23:42:39</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Maybe you need a break if it is causing you to be so ill and I can imagine that this is the last thing you need after everything else this week.

The site and forum is something to be proud of and many people benefit from being able to come here and get some help with recovery.

If there is anything I can do to help just let me know.

(((Hugs Nic)))

Karen xx

12-10-06, 08:33

Chin up Nic... things will get better soon for you..

hope your feeling better today..

love luce

polly daydream
12-10-06, 10:01
Hi Nic, sorry you are having a rough time of it, things will get better for you sweet, hang on in there, please don't let the forum make you ill it's just not worth it, you do a brilliant job along with the rest of the team, as for the chat room I'm sure you have good reasons for shutting it down, I have been away so not sure what has been going on there.

Chin up mate,:D


12-10-06, 10:12
<center>(((((N))))) (((((N))))) (((((N))))) </center>

Love Piglet xxx

12-10-06, 11:30
hi nic, just wanted to say it is amazing what you have done with this site - i would have absolutely no idea how to even start trying to do something like this - don't underestimate what you've done, you are obviously very intelligent and talented and even if things don't work out at your current job, you will have no problems finding something else.

don't feel bad about the problems in chat, nothing is worth making yourself ill for, i think you made the right decision to shut chat down for a while - hopefully, when it comes back it will go back to how it used to be, a welcoming, friendly and helpful place.

thank you for all you've done.

chin up [^]

12-10-06, 11:37
Aww Nic, sorry to hear your having a bad time hun. We have enough with our anxieties without all the extra hassles in life innit. I hope ye start to feel a bit betta soon hun. I know the worry about loosing your job. I lost mine last week on medical grounds and I know how bad it feels and how much of a worry it is with money issues etc.

You take care hun. Heres some big hugs for ye.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGE HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Take care,


12-10-06, 12:03
Hi Nic hun,

Sorry you are feeling so crap mate you really are having a lot of s**t at the moment hey hun.

Just to say I'm thinking of you and I'm always here if you need me.

Perhaps a weekend at Ragdale when you can get a break may help??????

Take Good Care,

All My Love & BIG BIG HUGS,

Pip's X X X X


12-10-06, 19:10
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Do you want to stay in the same kind of work or would you like to do something completely different? This could be the time to start considering what you might like to do.
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Karen - difficult this one. I am a bit bored of IT but don't have much experience of much else to be honest. I wish I could decide what I want to do or someone come along and offer a job that I fancy!

Thanks for your other reply as well. I am not feeling too bad today - tired but ok. I must have thick skin sometimes I think. I appreciate your support Karen as I know you have your own issues at the moment.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Sorry to hear you are feeling so crap Nic. (Make sure any job losses are in accordance with correct redundancy selection procedures!!! )
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Kay - The company I work for, Logica, are obliged to get us new jobs but there aren't many around where I live and I don't want to commute to London every day. Just a waiting game to see really.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I lost mine last week on medical grounds and I know how bad it feels and how much of a worry it is with money issues etc.
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Lin - sorry to hear this. What a worry for you. I am ok for now as we will get 3 months notice so at least I have a bit of notice to look around.

To everyone else that has replied - Thank you so much. It made my day to read all the posts this evening and I appreciate each and every one. You guys really are very special people. Thank You


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


12-10-06, 21:21
Wow you are one popular person and lots of people love you, i hope that makes you feel better. I dont really know you but i am eternally grateful to you for setting up this site.

So heres a (((hug)))) from me!!!

13-10-06, 14:26
Hi Nic, can't believe I have not read this before today???? Am so very sorry you are feeling so rough and that a lot of it is due to the agro here...that should not be happening and makes me really angry. Is there any way you could take a break from here to get back on track with work etc...and let a few others take over??? I am not trying to push you away, my goodness you know how I feel about you and this site, but if a break would be of any benefit, please do it and ask for a helping hand....it is such a shame there a a few people here who keep spoiling things...you know who you are, and so do we!!!!! take care mate. xxjean

13-10-06, 15:24
Hi nic,

I just wanted to say a huge thankyou for keeping the faith and making this site work. And as i said before you should be proud of what you have built up. I really hope things get better for you and the job situation gets sorted.

Take care nic.



13-10-06, 23:41

I'm glad ye feelin a little beta in urself. It's gonna take time. Yes I can imagine how hard it is for you working and running the site too. You do a great job and we are all so so grateful for what you do. ty.

Ty re ur reply bout my job. yes it's been tough as I worked there 9 yrs and I loved my job. It was very hard day. But acceptance is the word we all have to use isn't it. But I think we as anx sufferers have enuf to deal with without all the added pressures of every day life and money issues. I think really for what we all deal with in our own lives and hav anxiety we all do extremely well don't ye think. even tho we hav our **** days but hey.

Chin up Nic, things can only get beta eh lol. here some more hugs for ye.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))) )))))))
just to keep ye goin. xxx

Take care,


16-10-06, 12:47
Nic i an so sorry i have only just seen this post,dont know how missed it!!??Any hoo,i want to say i hope youn feel better soon.you willnever be alone with all of us on here ,tho feeling alone on the inside is soooo different aint it?You have given me my life back and all of us a voice on here!Please if you ever want to vent your spleen and dont want to lean on your hubby or close friends ,feel free to contact me,i feel i want to repay you some how for all the wonderful things that have come from thie site,it HAS to out wiegh the bad bits Nic!?I cant bear the thoughtof you sad and crying,when you have given so much hope thru this site.Sending you a huge cuddly hug!Here if you want me,love mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxps as for not having experience in much other than i. t.????HELOOOOO what about all the knowledge you share on here??MMMMMM could thatnot lead into a new career path??Just a thought !!xxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

16-10-06, 17:07
Hi Nic - I'm sorry I missed this thread too. Doh!

I hope you are feeling more positive now.

Maybe you can use the time between now and next year to re-evaluate and see if there is another path you'd like to take work-wise. I now like to look at these things as signposts and an opportunity to make some positive changes to our lives. If you get a decent payout, you could even retrain for a different occupation.

If not, then I'd suggest that you look in the direction of Cambridge. Since I moved away from there, I have found that most of the IT jobs I've seen are there (ironic, as I used to live just down the road from you and IT jobs are a bit thin on the ground here in the South West). Another good thing about Cambridge is that you won't have to negotiate the M1 every day!! (Not that I'm condoning avoidance or anything, but I don't think ANYONE really likes driving on the M1 at the best of times!).

My brother used to work for Logica and emigrated to New Zealand from there! Anything is possible :-)

Eeb xx

16-10-06, 20:41
Matilda - thanks for the hug. Much appreciated.

Jean - thanks for the message and your lovely PM's. I really appreciate them and they make me laugh so much. I am feeling much better now and things are all quiet on the western front as they say!

Donna - I never give up with anything and was determined to get things back on track. Thanks for the message

Lin - thanks and I hope things get better for you soon and you manage to find something else if that is what you want to do.

Mary Rose - thanks for the lovely message. I would love to do something other than IT but I guess it is a big step to decide what. Maybe I will think of something I fancy trying.

Eeb - Hi there and thanks for the message. We won't get redundancy but Logica have this habit of giving you c**p jobs instead that you don't want to do! I would prefer redundancy but that won't last long either will it?

Yes Cambridge is probably the closest to me but I am not sure what is out there at the moment cos I never actively look to be honest. Thanks for the advice though and will see what I can find out there. Hope you are well too?

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


17-10-06, 00:20
Hi Nic,

Yeah I'm doing well thanks. Working from home (quite long hours at times) but it's a good job despite being hi-tech - which I swore I wouldn't go back to, but hey!!

I've just set myself up as self employed - I've set up a business at last! I'm contracting at the mo, but do have other customers so I thought I'd do it all formally - business bank account, the works. Thought about it for years and have finally taken the plunge!

Anxiety symptoms occasionally pop up but I can deal with them ok now. It happens less and less these days, thankfully. Oh and my kittens are growing big now and they're just lovely to have around!

Eeb xx

17-10-06, 12:10
glad you are feeling brighter Nicola :) a career change is a huge step,and i dont think anxiety sufferers always deal that well with change..BUT...if the step is taken who knows how much more fullfiling life will be????I trained as a communicator for Deaf people [some years ago now!]and it was the best thing i could have done for myself !Have a think about what you would feel 'right ' doing!Keep us posted!Love mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

17-10-06, 14:52
Hi Nic, I've only just caught up with this thread. Sorry to hear that you have been having a rough time lately.

I know the possible redundancy seems bad but that is maybe a bit of negative anticipatory anxiety. Although it might not seem like it at the moment, it could be the best thing that ever happened with hindsight, who knows.

You are are a highly employable person and chances are that you will find something even better.

All the best,
Trev :D

17-10-06, 18:31
Hi Nic,

Sorry I too have only just found this thread too, I was away last week and just catching up!

I hope you're feeling better now :).

The job situation is tricky but it does sound like it's a stressful job with very long hours. I'm sure there are lots of things you could do with the varied set of skills you have. Have a think about what things interest you and what else you may want to do. I have been made redundant and it was from a job I loved but it was one of the best things that happened to me. I seem to be lucky I have worked in many areas and enjoyed most jobs I've had, some in areas I never thought I'd enjoy too! You never know what is out there, the best job you've ever had could be just round the corner, or maybe you would like to train to be something else - either way you are someone that I feel could make a success out of any situation.

Take care,

Love and hugs,

Lisa x

18-10-06, 19:10
Eeb - hope all goes well for you. Sounds like you are back on track with things so well done.

Mary Rose - thanks for the message. I wish someone would decide for me what I want to do lol. So much easier then!!

Trev - hiya mate. Hope you are well. I don't want to stay in IT but it pays the bills I guess. Also I am a bit out of touch with my job as I only look after the computers occasionally and you soon forget it all! Thanks for dropping by.

LJ - thanks so much for the message much appreciated. Maybe it will push me to do something else who knows. I just can't think about it at the moment cos I have a nice easy life most of the times so like it peaceful and calm lol.

I will let you all know if I hear anymore about things.

Thanks all

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


09-03-07, 20:59
Well just a quick update.

I got offered a job today :ohmy:

I am not overly excited about it. It is back in IT and doing what I know and am good at but not overly excited about.

I should be pleased that they picked me over the others and I am trying to but finding it hard! I can't drum up any enthusiasm at the moment.:wacko:

It is £4000 less than I was on and means going back on-call overnight and weekends but what else can I do? Until I decide my future this will have to tide me over.

So good news in a way but in another way I am a bit disappointed. Maybe it will be fab and I know I sound negative but I will have to give it a go as the longer I am off the harder it will be to go back I guess.

Now I have to go and buy loads of new clothes as the last place was casual - jeans, t-shirt if you wanted to so I have no "work" clothes to wear!

Not sure when I start yet - maybe a week on Monday. It will also mean I can't be on here all day replying and sorting problems so I may not be around as much anymore.:weep:

09-03-07, 21:10
Nic, Nic, Nic! Look on the positive side, girl!!!

You got offered a job over other people. Success!!! Ok, it might not be the ideal job but it might turn out to be wonderful!

If not, then just get back out there and get something else :D

Give it your best shot and think POSITIVELY!

Kate xxx

09-03-07, 21:31

I told you that you couldnt get a job where you couldnt be on msn all day, sort it out mate :weep:

Nah seriously well done :D thats great news :D and you have proved that you can go and get another job and thats your in demand

lots of love and hugs

Trac xxx

09-03-07, 21:58
:D :yesyes: :D :yesyes: :D :yesyes: :D :yesyes: :D :yesyes: :D :yesyes:

God I love these smilies :yesyes:

09-03-07, 22:05
Well done sausage - we have already discussed the whole chatting on msn and I am sure you will soon have them trained to your little ways!! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

09-03-07, 22:23
Hey Nic!
If I have missed out on some of the replies I am sorry, I read the beginning and the end. I gather you have been offered another job? In the wise words of my parents, it is always easier to find a job when you are in one rather than not. If this one doesn't pan out how you would hope, then you are in a position of higher strength when applying for others.
Good luck Hun, you will bowl over anyone wherever you go!
ps Another tip....never ever under sell yourself....you have loads to offer xxx

09-03-07, 23:12
Well done Nic :D

love anx x

09-03-07, 23:24
Hi Nic,

Sorry I could have sworn I had posted to this earlier but can't find it. Anyway, a huge congratulations on the new job. I know it might not be what you want right now but like you said it might turn out to be something you really enjoy. I just hope they don't end up calling you too much when you are on-call. Just know you will be so very missed during the daytime.

:hugs: to you,

Laura :flowers:

10-03-07, 00:44
Congratulations, Nic!

It can never be easy facing a big change but who know how it will really turn out. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Granny Primark
10-03-07, 08:50
Well done in finding a new job nic:yesyes:
It may not be what you were hoping for but sometimes when we are expecting little, things turn out to be far better than we were anticipating.
I certainly hope that this is the case for you.
Have fun shopping for all those new clothes!:D

Take care

10-03-07, 13:31
Sorry You Are Having A Bad Time Nic. Things Will Work Out For You.
Love Debera

10-03-07, 14:05
Hi Nic

Sorry I missed this thread too.

Well done for getting the job. I wouldn't even get that far let alone have the confidence to work again.

Maybe as has been suggested, this could a job to tide you over whilst you consider what you would like to do.

I feel for you mate with the on call hours which isn't conducive to less stress. We will miss having you around so much.

This give you some time to consider future options.


Karen xx

10-03-07, 16:51
Thanks for all the kind words and advice.

I am still struggling to get happy about it :shrug:

I hate change and new things and this will be all new and it will take a bit of time to settle in and find out what I can/can't do etc.

I will update again when I know the start date - 6 months time sounds good to me :winks: :winks:

10-03-07, 23:25
Congratulations on the new job Nic :D

I know you're not too keen but it will tide you over until something else comes along and it may even turn out better than you think.

Good luck with it all,

Lisa x

11-03-07, 15:46
Im sorry your feeling soo sad Nicola, your not alone though Im feeling really sad and worked up myself, so I will be thinking of you tons!!!! Hugs to you !!!
Love Anita xxxx

19-03-07, 22:42
Quick update

I start next Monday - 26th March.

Not happy about it - stressing me and causing much annoyance and no sleep.

Throat problems are back again. :wacko:

I don't want the job but have to work so have no choice.

It will change my whole routine and life but have to do it I guess.

Will let you know how it goes.

19-03-07, 22:54
Hi Nic,

Good luck for next Monday, I hope it goes well and turns out better than you think.

Sorry you're not feeling too good right now and feeling stressed. It's stressful starting any new job let alone when you're not that keen so have a big :hugs:

Take care,

Lisa x

19-03-07, 22:57
BIG HUGGIES FOR YOU NIC:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You are a very special person and I will keep my fingers crossed that its all loads better than you think it will be!!!!:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x

19-03-07, 23:44

"I don't want the job but have to work so have no choice."

Hmmm that's a very self-limiting statement there matey!

You do have a choice and if (after you start there) you don't like it, then you will strive all the more to get something you do fancy. It's a job not a life sentence - if you hate it, you can stop whenever you want.

In the meantime, just think of all those lovely young lads you'll get to knock into shape! Oh and the dosh ;-)

Eeb xx

20-03-07, 11:18
Eebs is absolutely right there Nic :D

You have nothin to lose by giving it a go though do you and you might be pleasantly surprised :)

Love Piglet :hugs:

20-03-07, 12:08
Sorry for sounding so negative - was on a bit of a downer last night as you can tell.

I can't sleep well at the moment and just don't know if I am doing the right thing or not.

I will try and be positive and give it a go. :yesyes:

Winning the lottery sounds even better though !

Thanks for the well-wishes :hugs:

20-03-07, 12:30
Dear Nic:hugs: firstly :yesyes: congrats on getting the job:yesyes: ..it is a huge thing,,and then the doubts and negative thoughts crowd out all the positives,bummer hey:lac: BUT..itis at the VERY least a means to an end mate or the start of a wonderful journey !You wont know untill you start it:) this journey could lead any where you wish ,you do have the choice hun,just like you had the choice to drive your car or sit afraid and broken...YOU DROVE YOUR CAR!!:yesyes: I stand in awe of you Nicola,if that sounds over the top and flowery[one of many descriptions of me!!:blush: ]i dont care..it's true!Here for you any time Nic..best of luck and good vibes winging your way too:flowers: love Mary rose,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

20-03-07, 23:03
Aww thanks MR - appreciate that.

I am finding it hard cos I have been off work 7 weeks and done loads on this site and forum and when I go back to work I won't be able to.

If this could pay me a wage I would do it full time but unless we get a huge donation that is not likely.

So now I won't be on much cos I can't come on in the day but will catch up when I can.

Thanks for the support

21-03-07, 02:42
Hi Nic

Have to agree with Eebs, you will be great whatever amd if you don't like it there, you will find something better and it will be their loss. As to the negative moments, we all have them, part of being human. Just wish I could afford to give you the HUGE donation you deserve to enable you to be here full time.

Hugs to you


21-03-07, 08:51
Good luck with the new job Nicola. Just think of the social interaction you'll have which you wouldn't have at home. If it doesn't work out, you'll have a platform from which to get something else - old adage of being easierto find a job while in a job.

21-03-07, 09:24
Good Luck with the new job Nic :hugs: :D xxx

21-03-07, 11:17

I was hoping some rich millionaire read the site and felt sorry for us all and made a huge donation :blush: :winks: Maybe we will win the lottery soon instead??

Thanks Jo and Mandy :hugs:

21-03-07, 12:14
Ha ha ha ha!!that was what i was thinking:D oh well if i win the lottery i will give a donation to keep you with us at all times,:D Knowing my luck it will be fiver:winks: Ah we will miss ya and you us ,but ,as has been said,more social interaction going on for you ,and that has to be a good thing mate:) .xxxxxxxxxxx

26-03-07, 14:57
How did your first day at work go today mate???

Love Piglet :flowers:

26-03-07, 16:52
Hi Nic,

I was just wondering the same. I hope it went well :yesyes:


Lisa x

26-03-07, 19:37
I am shattered !!

Hardly slept a wink last night and was up at 7.25 (precisely) and out the door at 7.50.

Took me 50 minutes to get there.

Didn't do much today - met some of the other people, shown where the essentials like tea and coffee are, booked some holiday for June (I know my priorities :winks: ), looked at their call logging system, filled in a form for death benefit, ate lunch then left at 3.30 to get my car looked at cos it is poorly :weep:

It is very hard going back after so long off and will take me a bit of time to adjust but I should be ok in time.

Still got to sort my car again tomorrow so up even earlier so I can take it to Kwik Fit at 8.30 am before I start work.

Hoping I sleep tonight!

Thanks for asking Piglet and LJ.

26-03-07, 20:41
Glad its going okies Nic!!!:yesyes:

Take care

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

26-03-07, 22:41
Hi Nic,

Glad it went ok, well done. Now the first day is over it should get easier, well if the car behaves etc! Lol at booking holiday on the first day :D

I hope you sleep better tonight,

Lisa x

27-03-07, 01:14
Well done for coping with the first day Nic.

I hope you get the car sorted tomorrow. Mine is still not fixed either.

Karen xx

27-03-07, 11:49
You'll have them all whipped into shape in no time hun!! :D

Well done for that first day - no one likes a first day at anything do they.

Proud of you mate! :hugs:

Piglet :flowers:

28-03-07, 12:08
just to say a huge well done on your first days at your new job nic:hugs: so well done:yesyes: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

28-03-07, 20:03
Thanks all

Yesterday was the worse day ever - just about everything went wrong (not at work so much) and I ended up in tears at night.

It was a combination of tiredness and boredom and frustration with things.

Today was a bit better as we had a "meeting" in the pub for 2.5 hours so got us out of the office.

I even got some sleep last night so that has helped a lot.

28-03-07, 20:21
Accept that this is going to be hard at first Nic. You had the same employer for many years, followed by redundancy followed by not having to go out to work.

In time, you will get into the swing of it again, and even if the job is a bit pants, I hope you can find some new friends around the place before long.

Now, when is that next "meeting"? :)

28-03-07, 20:31
Aww I'm glad today went better hun - I was thinking about you and really hoping it would.

Love Pig :hugs:

28-03-07, 21:01
Thanks Ray and Piglet

I think I have settled in well cos I am a bit of a charmer where the men are concerned :winks:

There is only me and one other female at work and about 12 guys.

It is a very small office compared to what I was used to so everyone gets on well.

I have nothing atall against the people - they are all lovely - it is just me re-adjusting to something I didn't want to do and trying hard to get motivated and enjoy it.

I think it would help if they let me "do" something rather than just talk at me. I need to be hands on. I know it is only day 3 but I am impatient.

I will get there in time - just roll on the weekend now :yesyes:

28-03-07, 22:32
There is only me and one other female at work and about 12 guys.

Sounds like the perfect job then, 6 guys each :blush: :roflmao: Oh dear I hope Alex doesn't read that, sorry Alex!

Seriously I'm glad it's going ok Nic, it is hard to adjust to something new especially when you're not that motivated to do it. Maybe once the work becomes more hands on you'll get more enthusiastic about it all. Hope the rest of the week goes well.


Lisa x

28-03-07, 23:08
There is only me and one other female at work and about 12 guys.

Mmmmmmmm!! Nice!!:shades:

Piglet :flowers:

29-03-07, 07:42
It's bound to be strange at first, Nic, but I'm sure you will soon get into the swing of things.

I leave my job today and I'm feeling well strange and a bit tearful even!

Kate x

29-03-07, 16:05
elo Nic,
So sorry ta hear your having a bad time hun..Sorry I wasn't about but I'm here to offer my support n of course i got long arms so here some comin ur way hun..things will get better..

huge hugs Nic
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

29-03-07, 16:20
Hi Nic,

I think you are doing marvelous. I too always hate the first week of a new job, but then I am shy. Are they talking at you to try to basically let you know how things go on around there? If so, it will end soon and you will be part of the pack by next week. Hmmm love the ratio of men to women :shades:. Hope the car gets fixed soon, nothing is more irritating. Glad you already have your holiday booked, gives you something to look forward to eh! :winks:

:hugs: ,


29-03-07, 22:18
Crap day today!

They are so bad at documentation and procedures and anything that actually helps anyone new.

I have 200 servers to look after and still no idea what any of them do!

Frustrating and a hard task ahead.

Spent 2 hours going through the NAS system (don't ask cos I don't understand it either).

Roll on tomorrow night and 2 days off.

Why is work like this - aren't we supposed to enjoy it????

29-03-07, 23:01
Awwwwwwwww Nic

Have some huggies mate:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Thinking of You

Luv Kaz x x x

29-03-07, 23:07
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Hope tomorrow is better Nic.

Lisa x

29-03-07, 23:10
Hi Nic

Hoping tomorrow goes better for you, I am sure you will whip them into shape in no time at all.

Loads of hugs for you in the mean time

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

30-03-07, 10:15
Your work is like 'whoosh' straight over my head!!:blush:

You are a blinking marvel hun!:D

Piglet :flowers:

30-03-07, 10:40
Sorry work isn't going too well at the moment, Nic. It will all fall into place after a few weeks, I'm sure.

I've got my induction at my new job today, I'm a bit scaredy!

Keep smiling, Nic!

Kate x

30-03-07, 13:38
Hope you're having a better day today Nic :)

Kate - Hope your induction goes well.

Lisa x

03-04-07, 16:43
Hi Nic,

Hope things are going better this week. A huge :hugs: for you. I know you will get things in order soon :yesyes: .

:hugs: ,


03-04-07, 17:10
OK, let's get serious here. What's the canteen like and do they sell corn beef sandwiches?:winks:

03-04-07, 20:18
Hi Nic

Sorry you are not enjoying the new job at all :hugs:

I hope it starts to feel better about being there soon and meanwhile perhaps continue looking for something you'd prefer to do.

OK, let's get serious here. What's the canteen like and do they sell corn beef sandwiches?:winks:
LOL Ray. Talk about getting priorities right!

Karen xx

03-04-07, 20:38
sorry your job doesn't seem to be going too well. It isn't nice being the newbie in the office, but before you know it you are in with the bricks and thinking 'why the bleeding heck have I been here so long?'

Just think of what you have achieved though, getting the job, charming the male employees.......

Why is work like this - aren't we supposed to enjoy it???? I think so, or at least the meetings in the pub! All I enjoy about my work is I get paid sick leave:blush: Actually that is not true, but it does help!

Hope this week is being a better one for you!


03-04-07, 22:59
Hi Nic

I just wanted to throw in a hug from me... I am so grateful for this site and absolutely awe-inspired at all that you guys have achieved and obviously sometimes the hassle and negativity of it all must be so draining. I can only hope that you really do know how grateful so many people are and how much we appreciate you.

I hope your work situation works out in the way that you deserve! You are obviously hugely skilled and determined and I am sure there must be a wonderful niche for you!

Take care hon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

04-04-07, 21:57
Hope you feel better soon!!!


Love Matilda:yesyes:

04-04-07, 23:04
im so sorry 2 hear about u feeling down and ur job

take care

love sandy xx

04-04-07, 23:16
Aww thanks all for the posts

Today I was bored. Have you ever clock watched???

I appreciate all the support and posts - thank you :hugs:

05-04-07, 07:43
Nic, what a shame you cant make your money purley from this site, after all you deserve too, you have run this site for years without any reward, I for one would pay membership, I think Iread somewhere you had 5000 members, well if we all paid &#163;5 a year membership that would be &#163;25000 a year !!!!
I would strongly advise you to think about it, after all the support I recieve from NMP it would well be worth the money , dont know how others feel ?
But It would be nice to give a little rather than all take.

Give it some thought,
love mirry.

05-04-07, 07:45
just realised thats less than 1p a week (well worth it).