View Full Version : Email from Jeremy Hunt - regarding mental health care

11-07-13, 17:56
Hiya all

I've been on a waiting list since December last year for CBT, of which I was referred to during a serious relapse. When I discovered I could be waiting for 12 months or more I got straight to my MP to complain about the disgraceful treatment patients with mental illnesses receive. Surprisingly he took my complaint seriously and forwarded it to the CCG and Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt. I have just received an email from my MP with a response from Mr Hunt himself.

I was shocked about the reply, purely because I didn't expect to receive one. The response is pretty 'political' and even though he backs the government's work on improving mental health services I'm not impressed. He explains what has been done since 2008 and, frankly, I've noticed nothing. He also told me what's in the pipeline for 2013/14 but, again, I'm not impressed because I've not felt a positive contribution from the government.

Mental health charities tell people that if you are not happy with the service you receive then tell your MP! The more your MP knows and the more Jeremy Hunt receives negative emails like this it'll be more likely something positive will happen to mental health services. It's about time these services stop treating us like second grade citizens.

11-07-13, 17:57
Well done Rennie!

11-07-13, 18:30
Well done for writing to your MP. :) It's terrible that you have had to wait so long for help. I take it he's a Coalition MP?

11-07-13, 18:33
Nope, Tory.

11-07-13, 18:34
Nope, Tory.

That's what I thought! A coalition MP can be either Tory or Lib Dem.

11-07-13, 18:37
For some reason I thought you meant was he both Tory and Lib Dem, then realised you can't be.... duh! Silly me.

11-07-13, 23:51
Good for you Rennie for contacting your MP. I`m not surprised you got that sort of response from Hunt though. Politicians eh. they always find some way of telling us how they have improved things. Never a straight and direct answer to a question or complaint.

I`m in Scotland and it`s a 2-3 month waiting list here for CBT too. Was told on my 4th session my 5th would be my final one. Got more help on this site and you-tube.

Hope you get an appointment soon and it helps you.