View Full Version : Another Newbie

11-07-13, 18:01
Hi Folks,

Much like everyone who has posted in this section, I'm a newbie! :blush:

I have been suffering with many stress/anxiety/depression issues for around about 8 months now without actually "dealing" with the issues. I almost swept everything under the carpet and just thought it was just life being "tough".

Time went by as things got worse and in April I actually suffered with a non-epileptic attack which was quite severe and scary. I continue to have these attacks, but in a much less severe way now.

In the mean time I have been suffering with all kinds of anxiety/panic attacks, been to A&E countless times, had paramedics out to the house countless times, been to the walk in centre, out of hours services - you name it!

I've been to see a Neurologist who confirms the diagnosis above based on my diary, descriptions, witness accounts and video recordings of each of the episodes. My EEG came back normal however as a matter of (hopefully) backing up the diagnosis they would like to send me for a brain MRI which I have gladly obliged to!

Life has been pretty unsettled and I still suffer with health related anxiety and some stress/depression symptoms. Dr Google is definitely the worst place I could look! I convinced myself I have something more sinister going on inside my body!

Anyway, that's enough about me looking forward to chatting with some of you good people. :winks:

11-07-13, 18:05
:welcome: on here....hope you get the support you need xxx

11-07-13, 22:04
Glad to have you with us.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.

11-07-13, 22:14
Hey WJ!

Google can be your friend (helped me find this site!) but it can also be your enemy! (Like the time I thought a mosquito bite was a bed-bug bite so I turned my whole flat upside down lol!)

I'm sure you will find it helpful reading other people's experiences and sharing some of your own. It all helps to put things into perspective.