View Full Version : Back again, any tips on living with GAD?

11-07-13, 19:46
I haven't been on here in a long time now, a combination of big busy and trying to live with my anxiety again. If I'm honest i am a lot better than i was at the start of the year, just the odd bout of panic and my general anxiety... its always there though and I'm finding it really hard to get back into a routine, i spend more of my time going out and distracting myself by reading or going for a walk and next to no time actually doing my coursework.

I was wondering if theres anyone in a similar situation as me, I'm not on medication even though its been suggested to me on many occasions when i go to the doctors about my anxiety, thanks to having a lot of anxiety about my health, i'd spend a lot more time worrying about being on medication... i have an irrational fear around tablets and drugs (i have even avoided pain killers since i was a kid), and is a lot of the reason i don't drink overly... funnily enough i had a panic attack when a counsellor tried forcing me into going on medication. anyway, i was wondering if theres anyone dealing with GAD with any tips on keeping in a good mood and actually keeping productive...all to often I'm sitting around on my computer or sleeping rather than doing anything, I've been told its just habits from the tail end of the depression i had at the start of the year... i'd really appreciate anything on keeping the anxiety off or helping build motivation back up. :)

just a side note i was googling around for tips on calming down when at work or when you can't take yourself away from the situation and found one that really helps me with my bar job.. soo it goes like this:

firstly: as always focus on your breathing.. i know everyone has different times that help them calm it down

secondly:, you list 5 things you can see in your head and then five things you can hear, repeat this until you take your mind off what you were worrying about (if theres not enough things to concentrate on, i like thinking of what colours things are or different shapes or patterns)

anyway i hope it helps, it has really helped me when I've been working, i really worried about having panic attacks at work!

11-07-13, 20:34
I don't take meds.
I live by the moto....you're as happy as you make up your mind to be.....

11-07-13, 23:04
Grace M your post struck a chord with me because I have that feeling a lot about meds and what can I do alternatively etc. I'm also just as bad with paracetomol's etc but as I'm getting older i have accepted more that if I need to take something then so be it. I'm on permanent medication for my thyroid and even this at first I was thinking 'surely not' but I have to take it as anxiety and other problems became so much worse without it. I know it can be scary but tablets and therapy combined may really work for you and give you a better quality of life but of course you have to decide that for yourself.

I really believe in breathing too. I learnt the 7/11 technique after calling someone for support (counselling through work). It literally saved my life at such a bad point and I still use this now. I also listen to hypnotherapy/relaxation tracks of an evening and I now try and build some calm into my day- for me lying down and reading a book or the paper whereas before I would put myself under pressure to get on with other things around the house etc but I've started to adopt the mental health comes first attitude and look after myself a bit more.

Xx Daisy

12-07-13, 17:25
thank you for your replys :) nice to read about how you have dealt with it all xx :hugs:

12-07-13, 19:33
I've put together a list of things which are helping me with my anxiety. Please click here to see my list. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=128428) I hope this helps. :hugs:

12-07-13, 20:51
thanks sparkle, thats a really helpful list :) x

14-07-13, 00:45
Hey Grace,

Reading you post I can totally relate!! I too am no longer on medicaton, its hard sometimes but I do manage to cope most of the time!

My way of coping is distraction, much like yourself :-) I will, if in work, initiate a conversation with colleagues to cause a distraction. if im at home I readbor watch tv, whilst doing my best to relax and breath properly :-) not always 100% proof but it is a huuge difference to how I was a few years back.

Oh and in regards with tablets, I am the exact same! very neary never took antihistamines at the statt of the week fir fear of liver failure..but I focused on the possitive, when was the ladt time you read/saw on the news abt someone dying when taking hayfever med? to which im happy to report my hayfever is at bay and im still here :-P

16-07-13, 14:54
thank you jammie, nice to know theres you and a few others that aren't to fond of tablets either....i'm better now(ish) i mean i had to go on antibiotics for a few days and i was ok aside from some panic, but not much! but i just don't think i could handle long term medication.. it scares me quite a bit.

i find distraction is best for me, although i find some techniques tend to not work after a while, like i used to be fine with just controlling my breathing or talking to someone, but now i need to be able to think of something else to keep my mind away from my anxiety, i suppose I'm bad with it now because iv'e just started a new job where i have to appear calm and I'm always around other people.. a bit of a battle for a nervous person :doh: