View Full Version : I've done a stupid thing help!

11-07-13, 20:03
I just accidentally clicked follow on my ex's twitter page!
I quickly unfollowed but it was too late, apparently the email saying I'm following them will still come up.

What have I done?! I'm so embarrassed :( I haven't seen him in around 2 years properly. Gah!! I hate myself sometimes.

11-07-13, 20:09
Oh no, I hate when you accidently like something! I don't think there is anything you can do now, they do send an email automatically but fingers crossed he won't read the email!

11-07-13, 20:36
I am so embarrassed help!

11-07-13, 20:40
Just forget it.. No big deal

11-07-13, 21:06
There is nothing you can do now so not sure how we can help to be honest.

Just forget it and move on from it.

11-07-13, 21:40
He will think I'm an absolute idiot.
A normal person could shrug this off but my anxiety is taking over again!

11-07-13, 22:16
Follow him & just casually say, your starting your own buisness & want to spread the word. And then unfollow?

11-07-13, 22:57
Great advice from Col- we've all been there- it's the Facebook age I think we all know far too much after break ups for my liking because of this but I have been there. Don't worry it's just anxiety making it feel much worse than it is. Xx

12-07-13, 06:43
I wouldn't worry too much. Just because someone's an ex doesn't mean you're not interested in how they are and what they're doing. It's certainly nothing to be embarrassed about.


12-07-13, 08:03
Social networking sites.. enough said.

12-07-13, 09:18
Not being flippant, but if a normal person could shrug it off, why not just pretend to be a normal person? (In fact you are of course...)

I have done a lot of 'fake it til you make it' and most people who know me have never had any idea of how panicky I get at times. Seriously. It can be done.

14-07-13, 03:13
You can always Block them and also add additional Filter Rules to the emails that just send the email to the trash bin or even deletes them. I have loads of them to triage the emails I get sents. It allows me to deal with the important and interest stuff in my own time.