View Full Version : Wisdom teeth removal?

11-07-13, 21:05
Does any one have any experience of wisdom tooth removal?
I've had pain on and off and infections on and off for a few years and the last few days the pain has been so bad all up my face too. So I went to the emergency dentist tonight as my own dentist can't fit me in for 2 weeks and they done an xray and I have to have the bottom left wisdom tooth removed as it is right on the nerve. He said I will have to be put under and be in hospital for it because of where it is.
I have anti-biotics too.

Anyway really really scared about having it removed :-( if any one has any experiences please tell me! xx

11-07-13, 21:11
I've only had top ones out.
My nephew went in hospital recently and had all four out, he was fine.

11-07-13, 21:20

Yes I had my 4 wisdom teeth removed because of the way they were growing in hospital under sedation.

Like you I was scared as I'd never been in hospital overnight.

I went in early that morning 7am, before I went down they give me a pre med to chill you out some people feel really sleepy(not me though!) Just remember injection and counting didn't get past 3 that was it. The next I remember was being brought round by nurse in recovery.

Remember visiting time but didn't really know what day it was weird, and remember then being sick it was just the blood I'd prob swallowed in theatre.
Slept nearly all the time that night.

Came home next day,swallow and bruised face! And felt tearful don't know why prob anaesthetic had some stitches was like that for week. went back had stitches out. Prob another week then was fine. But I had 4 out.

You may be completely different and your only having one.

Good luck,you will be fine

12-07-13, 22:01
Had mine out at the dentist didn't feel anything just heard the crack, it was afterwards it was so painful for about a week, but glad I done it now I too suffered recurring infections

12-07-13, 22:17
Hi cassy, have they said you definitely need a general anaesthetic? I had 2 of mine (included a compacted one that needed alot of work to get out) all done under local. No way was I having a general. Because my mouth was so much more healthy afterwards, I asked my own dentist if he would extract the wisdom teeth in the other side, even tho they didn't get that bad I didn't feel I could keep them clean. He did that in about 20mins again under local. My mouth has been so much more healthy I am certain whatever route you go, a few days discomfort will make a tremendous difference.

12-07-13, 23:36
Hello. Thank you for all the replies every one.
Tessar, they said I have to have a general for it because of how near to the nerve it is and because it will be a difficult extraction.
Still really scared but keep thinking it will be worth it! xxxx

13-07-13, 03:17
It is NOT as bad as the internet will have you believe.

You will be nervous in the hospital before the operation, not much you can do unless they give you a sedative to calm you.

When they call you to the room, it will happen very fast which is good as you don't have time to worry.

When you are on the table they might ask you questions such as your name and date of birth while the other nurses attach those sticky things to your chest to monitor your heart.

You may get an injection or gas to knock you out. The injection might give you a cool sensation in your arm.
The gas, well the guy will usually be behind your head and will lower the mask over your face, it feel odd but after 3 breathes you should fall asleep.

You will be in the hospital so you are perfectly safe : )
They will monitor your breathing, oxygen levels, blood pressure and all that stuff the whole time.

When you wake up, it's like waking up from a deep sleep, just breathe and be calm, as you'll nod off to sleep again : )

You may feel heavy or a little unsteady on your feet after, which is totally normal.

Just so you know, not to freak you out! You might throw up blood after. This is just the blood you swallowed that came from the tooth being pulled. It happened to me, no big deal but they can give you medication to stop you from getting sick if you have that fear.

As for swelling they may give you steroids for that, I had some minor swelling, much less that I was expecting. I had stitches too.
I also had antibiotics and pain killers. I only needed to take the pain meds twice! My jaw got a wee bit achy.

You might have some minor bleeding too after, it can look like more just because the blood mixes with your spit.

After 24 hours I think, it's ok to rinse with warm salt water.

It's good to have some soft foods, yogurt, custard, jelly, icecream, eggs...

Also bring a dressing gown!!! A big fluffy one!!
I didn't like being all nude under that flimsy paper gown, so when I first woke up I lacked the engry to get dressed, but I managed to put on my dressing gown : )
I also just brought a pj pants and a top with me to wear afterwards. plus the dressin gown just feels extra comfy : )

I did buy some cheap plastic cups, spoons and bowls from Tesco so I wouldn't need to any washing up for a few days.

You should be feeling fine by the next day, maybe a bit tender and swollen.

Also pro biotic yogurts before and after the antibiotics, as the antibiotics kill off good bacteria too.

You won't be under the anesthetic for long, so that in it's self is a good thing.
Also they put you on oxygen afterwards too which helps clear your system.

As for the nerve damage, it's always a risk when operating in that area.
If the nerve gets damaged, it can produce a numbness around your lip and mouth.
Sometimes the nerve can get irritated and that numbness clears up in a few weeks.

Wisdom teeth are evil, they are deadly for trapping bacteria and causing infections, mine were impacted too and I wish I had had them out much sooner for all the trouble they gave me.

I know it's weird to imagine but soon the operation will all be behind you : )
I can still remember how afraid I was before mine and now wow it was a year or so ago!

13-07-13, 08:13
Hey cassy, there's some really good advice here. I can fully appreciate why you'd be scared. My impacted tooth was close to the nerve as well. They did explain all that to me as well. It really is worth doing. Make sure you let us know when it's booked as we can keep reassuring you. Think of it that a couple of months down the line, everything in your mouth is back to normal. Well, in fact better than that because all the source of infection will be gone. Also, the mouth heals really effectively. The bit where my impacted tooth was actually all grew back so there isn't even a dent there. The body is truly amazing you know.

13-07-13, 13:06
I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed under general anaesthetic as well, over 10 years ago. I'll be honest and say it wasn't a fun experience, it took longer than expected, and I couldn't eat properly for a couple of weeks. But in the long run it was worth it because I too had a lot of problems due to my wisdom teeth growing and affecting other teeth. Yes it will be painful, BUT you will be able to move on and have no more stress due to recurring infections, etc. Good luck!