View Full Version : There's no pain like loosing a parent I'm in a bad way it all just fuels anxiety😭😭

11-07-13, 23:38
I'm in a bad way tonight I've been crying for hours the more I cry the worse I feel it just feels so bad 8 weeks have passed so quick but feels like yesterday I've had some of my dads belongings 😭😭😭 heart breaking i never thought missing someone could feel so bad I wish I could escape my feelings but I can't I don't no how much more I can deal with having to face death in this way when its my biggest fear is so real and raw :( sport for probably boring you all with this now but I feel so alone and desperate I don't no what to do xx

12-07-13, 00:10
I don't really know what to say to make you feel better....but I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you at this sad time. I am sure that eventually things will be less 'raw' and hopefully easier for you deal with. Big hugs to you, you are not alone here.

Kitti xx :bighug1: xx

12-07-13, 00:28
Aww hun, it's still very, very early days yet and you are at the most painful part of the grieving process.

People who are grieving feel it in so many different ways.

At the moment you are feeling so sad at the loss of your beloved Dad and that is why you are crying so much.

I know that it doesn't feel like it, but that crying will be helping you, it's getting all those painful emotions out and it is the most natural way to do it.

And yes hun, you will be feeling really raw because you aren't through the grieving process yet and you still have some more healing to do.

You say that you're feeling so alone. Have you got any close family or friends that are near you?? If you have and you are able too, try having a good talk with them about exactly how you're feeling, share the grief with others and let them be able to support and comfort you.

If you haven't got family or friends that you can do that with, or you feel that you really don't want to do that, then you could perhaps get in touch with one of the charities that offer counseling for people who are going through the grieving process.

Hun no one is going to get bored listening to you, it's very healthy that you let yourself talk about it and there are always people here who will listen and talk to you, so you never need to feel alone with your pain.

I'm sending comforting hugs hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

12-07-13, 01:01

I know exactly what your going through in the last few years I have lost my
Dad who died when I was 18mths so don't even remember him
Nephew 13
Brother in law two

I got to the point now that I panicking when somebody close dies,so I know where you coming from and how you are feeling.

Cry as much as you want to,I found this helped me.

Take care xx

12-07-13, 06:57
My Dad died 6 years ago and I coped with that because my Mum was still living and we helped each other through. Mum died last October she had a stroke whilst we were watching tv together and died 11 days later. I stayed with her all of that time. My daughter, husband etc were great throughout.
I am an only one so I have found it difficult to cope and cry a lot. Mum and Dad lived in the same house for 62 yrs and never being able to go home again is horrible.
I miss them so much and cry a lot but now I can go a couple of days without crying so I suppose that this is part of the greaving process. You will start to feel better but it takes time different for all of us. It is a time of feeling raw, alone and scared.
I am thinking of you and you must take it a day at a time, some days will be better than others.

12-07-13, 12:12
Hi...i too know just what you're going through. My situation is very much like Lynda, my Mum died 20 years ago but i coped because my Dad was still with us and i had my husband and sons, I too am an only child. My Dad died coming up 4 years ago and i still have days where i cry a lot and miss him every day, but it does get easier.
It is very early days, and i know your heart is aching for him, and i know it seems like you won't cope, but you will get through by taking it a day at a time.
Thinking of you....

12-07-13, 15:21
I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
I have lost both of my parents and understand the pain and feeling of loss.
What you need to remember is that no matter where you are you will always carry their love in your heart.

14-07-13, 02:31
I am so sorry for your loss. The pain of losing a loved one is like no other pain. It hasn't been very long and your pain is still so raw.

There is no point in saying that time will heal because it probably won't, but time will ease the pain somewhat and your own fears and thoughts about death.

Take care