View Full Version : swollen gland

11-10-06, 07:27
Hi everyone,

I am hoping someone can reassure me as I have a swollen gland at the outer edge of my right armpit and have had it for about 9 weeks. I have had cold after cold and allergies for the same amount of time on and off.............it is monsoon season here and everybody is sick.

I have been to the Doctor and he said it is quite normal and may stay swollen for months but of course I am terrified it is something sinister - mostly breast cancer or lymphoma.

Can anyone else relate and or reassure me...............pleassssse?

Thank you.

11-10-06, 11:19
hi, i had a swollen gland in my neck which was there for months, if not years. Swollen glands are quite common so please dont worry too much about it.

I also had one on the upper inside of my arm (near my armpit) which i was worried sick could be breast cancer, but the doctor took one look at it and said it was nothing to worry about - it has since gone back down.

If you are feeling particularly worried i would go back to the doctor and explain to him what it is you are worried about and i'm sure he would be able to reassure you.

take care

11-10-06, 11:39
Thank you so much Mag,

I realllllllllllllly appreciate you taking the time to respond. You have helped reassure me that its just a combination of cold season and the havoc anxiety reeks on our poor immune systems.

Thanks so much again.


11-10-06, 12:04
I just a swollen gland near my neck when I have a cold, it hurts too!

I hope you recover from your cold soon, everyone is infected with them there!!

AKA Scooter Girl

11-10-06, 12:22
Hi Sharon
Given the climate over there could it be a blocked sweat gland?

Don't believe everything you think.

11-10-06, 18:14
Hi I've had a swollen gland in my neck been their for six weeks now it was due to some dental problems I had. Even though thats all been sorted out the glands are still swollen. Try not worry sometimes these glands can take some time to go down.

PS I am visiting Vietnam December 2007 really looking forward too it will the monsoon season be over in December?

Hope you feel better soon


14-10-06, 06:53
Thank you all for your replies your reassurance means the world to me..................I guess it will go down when its good and ready. In the mean time I will not google and keep taking my vitamins.


Ps........Mel - December is a beautiful time in Viet Nam - cooler in the South and no rain. Stay in touch and maybe we can catch up when you visit.

14-10-06, 17:50
Would love to keep in touch I will PM you my email

Mel xx