View Full Version : How to get treatment for pure o? And what's therapy like

12-07-13, 07:11
Sorty if i ramble. writing my worries helps a lot even if its only for a little bit. I want to go to therapy. I really do. But I don't know who to tell. I can't tell my dad because he'll just shove a bible in my face and tell me to find Jesus. Don't believe in that stuff so it obviously doesn't work. I can't tell my mom because she's worse off than me and doesn't have enough money for therapy. Plus she'll just tell my dad anyway which leads to being forces to pray and "find jesus" (i mean no offence to christians btw. you guys are ok its just not me) I could tell a doctor but I'm worried he's just going to give me meds (which I'm honestly scared of) or just do that thing where doctors just say, "oh your fine" and don't do anything. I don't even know how to tell him without coming off as a looney (which is a big part of my ocd, worrying I'm insane even though I know I'm not). Finally I'm kind scared of therapy. I feel like if I go there, I'm officially mentally ill. I guess i am anyway but im in denial. What kind of things do they ask/do in therapy?

Charlotte cosier
12-07-13, 08:47
What kind of things do u obsess about? Tell your doctor it's the best thing I ever did and have harm OCD. Hope u go to ur doctors it really does help I'm on medication that helps to xx

12-07-13, 09:10
I really feel for you. I've been one of those Christians but I hope I never did that to someone who was ill - I've seen it happen many times though. :(

You are no longer in denial if you think about it, which is brilliant progress. I would echo what Charlotte says. Are you under 20, Caleb?

12-07-13, 10:02
Hi there....i agree with the others the Doctor is the best person to confide in. They wont judge you or think you're mad, they see this many times. You can ask to be referred for CBT therapy which really helps with the pure o thoughts, also they may suggest medication but you dont have to go down that route if you dont want to. Having said that, my son (who suffers with pure o OCD), has found over the years that medication along with CBT has been the best treatment.
In therapy they usually ask a little about your background, just to give them an idea of what may have caused your OCD, then concentrate on the positive steps you can take to help with the thoughts. Over here they usually give about 12 sessions, i'm not sure whether that would be similar where you are!!

12-07-13, 20:58
I really feel for you. I've been one of those Christians but I hope I never did that to someone who was ill - I've seen it happen many times though. :(

You are no longer in denial if you think about it, which is brilliant progress. I would echo what Charlotte says. Are you under 20, Caleb?

Yeah, it makes things worse. I started believing in a god I never really did before and I was certain I was going to hell b/c of my thoughts. It still freaks me out a little. Its just anxiety fuel for me. But yeah I'm under 20.

13-07-13, 23:52
hi there. I'm a 21 year old female who has been suffering from (what I think is) harm ocd for about 12 years. I think it began shortly after my parents split up, and my mum moved in with another man. I had obsessions for so many years that I was going to physically harm somebody (particularly those I love dearly). I've been looking this up, and seen these thoughts are called spikes? I became convinced that I was an evil person for having these thoughts, that I should be locked up. I have never even told my parents or anybody close to me for fear that I would be judged. I was always aware that I didn't actually want to cause harm to anybody as the thoughts terrified me and made me sick as opposed to being pleasurable thoughts. Having read through these posts, I can't believe I've gone more than half my life feeling alone, powerless and ashamed. Other thoughts included obsessions that my stepdad had sexual intentions towards me when he showed compassion. These "spikes" led me to want to commit suicide as I thought I must be evil to even have these thoughts.

Although these thoughts no longer have such an intense grip on my life, as I've learnt to block them out, I've still suffered from depression, anxiety and panic attacks for a number of years. I struggle with personal relationships, and am constantly exhausted. I want to get therapy for it now I know it's a recognised illness, but I'm not sure where to begin? Would appreciate some help xxx

14-07-13, 10:37
Hi Lost girl, It sounds as if the stressful situation of your parents separating caused your anxiety resulting in the thoughts and fears you have now. As you say, this is so much more common than you realise, and you are not evil, you have been overwhelmed by a situation which your mind could not deal with.
The best step is to make an appointment with your Doctor and explain what is happening and how you're feeling. If you feel you want to be referred for talking therapy, CBT, (which i'm sure will help you), the Doctor can do this.
Take care...

26-07-13, 06:22
hi there. I'm a 21 year old female who has been suffering from (what I think is) harm ocd for about 12 years. I think it began shortly after my parents split up, and my mum moved in with another man. I had obsessions for so many years that I was going to physically harm somebody (particularly those I love dearly). I've been looking this up, and seen these thoughts are called spikes? I became convinced that I was an evil person for having these thoughts, that I should be locked up. I have never even told my parents or anybody close to me for fear that I would be judged. I was always aware that I didn't actually want to cause harm to anybody as the thoughts terrified me and made me sick as opposed to being pleasurable thoughts. Having read through these posts, I can't believe I've gone more than half my life feeling alone, powerless and ashamed. Other thoughts included obsessions that my stepdad had sexual intentions towards me when he showed compassion. These "spikes" led me to want to commit suicide as I thought I must be evil to even have these thoughts.

Although these thoughts no longer have such an intense grip on my life, as I've learnt to block them out, I've still suffered from depression, anxiety and panic attacks for a number of years. I struggle with personal relationships, and am constantly exhausted. I want to get therapy for it now I know it's a recognised illness, but I'm not sure where to begin? Would appreciate some help xxx
I can 100% relate. My parents separated b/c my mom cheated and she became an achoholoc. Now she's on the virge of being evicted and ever since these problems, I've had terrible harm ocd. It Makes me want to kill myself also sometime (even though I'm sure I wouldn't). I feel like they go away but return strong when I'm stressed about other things like failing school. I might try and trick my dad to send me into the doctors for a checkup and just tell him what's up. Can't be honest with him, I hear the preaching now