View Full Version : im not 100% but think my pain is wind

11-10-06, 09:34
hi every1

after the complete night of panic ive come 2 the conclusion that maybe my pain is wind, ive been burping lots and it has eased, that may explain why the pain is moving around my tummy and up my back, fingers crossed!!


i just wanna feel normal

11-10-06, 09:54
Hi Leanne,

Have you ever asked your doctor about ibs? its just your symptoms sound like ibs. Hope you feel better today.x

Take Care


Sheik N Shimmy
11-10-06, 10:11
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
Have you ever asked your doctor about ibs? its just your symptoms sound like ibs. Hope you feel better today.x

<div align="right">Originally posted by manmoor - 11 October 2006 : 09:54:02</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi Leanne,

Mandy's right. It could be IBS or Gerd or both. GERD can give me a pain between the shoulder blades in the morning but it soon goes after a few beers.



PS - only joking about the beer!

Keep On Keepin On

11-10-06, 11:21
oh i hadnt thought of ibs, im still panicing really about appendicitis, but i would have thought after this amount of time something would have happened,

im hoping im gonna do a big burp soon and it will go away,

leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

11-10-06, 12:41
Leanne I get alot of trapped wind,half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of water helps.Or a glass of bottled soda water.:D:D:D

Ellen XX

11-10-06, 12:48
Hi ellen

would trapped wind cause this pain??

leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

11-10-06, 13:18
Trapped wind can cause alot of pain,from the chest,back,sides and tummy.And alot of bloating!!!!!

Ellen XX

11-10-06, 13:30
Leanne, have you been tested for lactose intolerance? If you're drinking a lot of milky things to try and "settle" your tummy, you could actually be creating the problem in the first place!

11-10-06, 17:39
Tonic water will be very good for that. Give you a big burp!


11-10-06, 17:41
Good Leanne,

I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I do hope you are pain and worry free soon!!

"Be The Change You Want To See In The World"...

Take Care of You,


11-10-06, 18:33
hi guys

thanks so much for taking the time to reply, im feeling alot better now, ive been thinking about food that i have eaten over the last 48hrs, had pie, and lots of bread maybe its that

thanks again
leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

12-10-06, 12:11
Wind can be sooooo very painful glad your feeling better Leanne.

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X
