View Full Version : Energy drinks

12-07-13, 17:44
Is it just me or do energy drinks make them feel really anxious. I have had about a 3rd of a can of monster and my heart feels like its going to come out my chest, i know its meant to do that anyway but i seem to be effected by it more than i used to be. Feel kinda shakey too, like im not actually shaking but i feel i am? :/ i just feel really weird.

12-07-13, 18:01
Yes energy drinks do that to you. I worked in a school and the students were banned from bringing them to school because they made them more hyper. They increase the heart rate, causing palpitations which will make you feel more anxious.

12-07-13, 18:03
I wouldn't touch them. They give people palpitations, so they are bound to make anxiety worse!

12-07-13, 18:05
Yes any sort of caffine is not good for anxiety

12-07-13, 18:07
Yeah i hadnt had one in a while because of this then i caved in today and thought maybe jus a few sips! Bad idea :/

12-07-13, 19:42
I think it's probably the caffeine which has caused it. I haven't had an energy drink for ages now.

12-07-13, 20:34
Don't touch them ever - they are evil with all the caffeine

12-07-13, 23:45
Definitely going to lay off them now completely.

13-07-13, 02:55
uh oh, caffeine it sets off your anxiety and also it can be addictive.

13-07-13, 03:50
They make me feel like I'm going to drop dead. I avoid most caffeine like the plague! I have a little cup of coffee in the morning and that's all.

13-07-13, 07:15
A small amount of caffeine is ok, but energy drinks have loads of it in them, and it really isn't good for anxiety in large doses