View Full Version : Health Anxiety Abroad

12-07-13, 22:16
Hi guys

My first time posting really could use some help . . .

Have always had anxiety in my life but never to this extent. I went away to Africa for work a couple months back and developed a bloated, uncomfortable stomach with no appetite. I managed to last till the day I left and the anxiety hit me like a freight train. My neck was burning hot and my head was splitting I was pacing round departures positive I was going to die in here or on the plane. When I got back home I went straight to a&e where they gave me the all clear.

So a few weeks go buy and I'm sent away again but just to Scandinavia. Thought it would be different but the afternoon on the first day I had a bad panic attack and was scared the whole week of something being wrong with my chest and heart. Again go to the docs when I get back who say I'm OK.

Now to my main point thanks if you have made it this far :-). I'm am now currently in the Caribbean. I was tight chested and anxious for days before as I knew if I pulled out I have lost thousands and my partner would be furious. This is the lowest I've ever felt the anxiety is constantly in my mind, tight chest, burning pain all over, visible heartbeat all over my body and dizziness to boot. I even went to the local clinic and had my blood pressure, heartbeat, temp and breathing checked but I still feel the same. The local doc gave me lorezepan with no effect. I have six days left and it may as well be 6 months In my mind. Has anyone else had health anxiety this bad especially while abroad ? any advice/support would be so helpful.


13-07-13, 08:43
its the feeling of loss of control in another country and not have familar things with you, you have to try and breath and take control of your mind as much as you can, you are in the mind set where you are almost wanting the drs to find something so you can be reasured that you are right, anxiety is very powerful and we have to try and not let it control us so good luck blessings

13-07-13, 18:52
I totally understand. My first really bad episode I was abroad on my way to the airport. Ended up in an ambulance in london (remember asking them how much I owed them and they were like 'uhh, it's free') and my mom had to come over to help me get home the following day. Couldn't imagine going abroad alone now in case anything weird happened, so I really sympathise. Just try to remember that help is rarely far away even if you're abroad, and maybe keep a good book close by for distraction? Sounds like you have an interesting job at least.

14-07-13, 13:28
Thanks for the support guys it really helps knowing others have experienced the same things. Not long left till I leave now, can actually feel more anxiety building as I get closer to the time but I will bite the pain the best I can. I will probably kiss the ground in Gatwick when I land :).