View Full Version : Obsession with death !!

12-07-13, 22:26
Hi all well where to start I have really bad fear if death if anything in my body hurts I assume I'm going to die I have bloated belly but can't accept that and keep thinking its something worse I'm constantly having negative thoughts on I'm so scared I'm going to die why I don't no and I just want some advice of people that have or who have currently been threw this I want to get to my happy self I do have a lot of unsettling things going of in my life please I don't no how to think positive anymore and i no it's going to make me ill if I don't stop it :( xx

13-07-13, 08:32
no one knows when they are going to die, some people will go out totally well and have an accident health is not always a sign that you will die, try and tell yourself you must live your life and enjoy everything as much as possible and dont worry about getting ill, if you ever do then it does not mean you will die, so have a great weekend and try and take a deep breath and relax good luck blessings